Pre Cycled Filters?

Don Trinko

Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2006
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The filters I use on several of my aquariums will take 2 of the filter inserts. If I have a fully cycled tank can I take one of these filters and put it in a new tank to have it "pre cycled?
How long would it take for a new filter ( in with the "cycled "filter" ) to develope the bacteria? Can I asume that since the same water runs thru both filters that both will develop bacteria?
Thanks; Don T.
Yes you can do this, it's referred to as cloning. it will take at least two weeks to develop a good bacteria colony, 4 weeks is better. I do this all the time with air powered sponge filters, and always have several extra running in cycled tanks.
Thanks; This will simplefy life. Do you know how long a tank will stay cycled without fish? Don T.
The total amount of bacteria in a tank, (sand, plants, glass, filters), adjusts to the biological load present. If you dramatically increase the number of fish, you can generate a nitrogen spike, if you drastically reduce your stock, your bacteria will starve and die back until the balance is restored.

Cloning a filter in the manner you describe will help, but will not instantly populate a tank with the full complement needed for full stocking so in that respect, your tank is not "pre-cycled". As Tolak says, it takes a while to build up to a full set. This will not happen of course if there is no "food" for the bacteria, and those you transplanted will start to starve and die off. The rate of die back is quite slow however, what tends to happen is the bacteria tend to become dormant for a period before death, a state from which they recover when conditions improve. Typically, some bacteria die off almost imediately, but there will still be active members for up to a week or more. A few tough species can be dormant for years as long as they don't dessicate.
Thanks alot. I'm begining to understand this proccess. Don T.
Not to steal the thread but its still on topic. What if you took media from a emp 400 HOB filter and put about /2 - 3/4 of the media from a fully cycled tank that was stocked a decent amount and transfered it to a similar size tank with less fish? Would that mean that some of the bacteria would still die off but the tank could have fish in it that day basically since there would be more bactieria then waste? just wondering since me and my brother are trying to do this in a couple days.

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