Power Outtage For A Couple Hours...


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
We experienced a power outtage for a couple hours today. I tested the water after the outtage and nitrites are at around 1.0, whihc is unchanged over the last several days. I have been doing daily 20% water changes, but for the past couple days I stopped. I plan to do them at least once a week, rather then daily.

Do we need to do anything in particular, or watch for anything? I fear that a lot of the bacteria colonies may have died off when the power went out.

i cant say for 100% sure but dependant on the size of the filter and the stocking not too much of the good bacteria will have dies off, im sure i seen this posted on a prev thread, im sure that one of the pros will be along soon who can confirm either way.

However it goes i hope all is ok and the fish dont suffer
A couple of hours should not have caused too much damage as long as the media was wet when the power was out. Feed lightly for the next week, less food means less waste produced.

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