Potatoe puffer


New Member
Jan 2, 2005
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Stevenage, Herts, U.K
Hi there went into one of our LFS's and saw a puffer that was called a Potatoe puffer. Tried getting some info on them but can't locate any. Does anyone know of any other names for it. I'll try and pop back in the next couple of days to get the latin name.
I have no idea.

You seem to have one of the strangest lfs.

Maybe they mean the congo puffer (as in the ambush from under the sand sort) cause they're kind of potato like.
Always on the look out for cool new fish, I googled potato puffer and I only found, like, 1 site that mentioned them by name. It happens to be some Online Fish Store out of the UK. I e-mailed them asking what other common names and what the scientific name is. If they ever reply to me I'll let you guys know what I heard.
Potoato Puffer is a fake name often used by fish stores for any species of puffer when they don't know what species they actually are.

If you describe the fish, perhaps we can identify it.
:D Well puffer freak got it right managed to get back to the lfs numpty me didn't notice the (T.Mirius) next to it. They had 2 in the tank, a lovely looking Rusty coloured one and a sandy/beigey one at £43 a fish don't know whether that's good or bad. But I could be tempted when I get my office done (48x12x15) I believe that should be big enough for one. It's between him or cichlids at the moment.
Ralph said:
:D Well puffer freak got it right managed to get back to the lfs numpty me didn't notice the (T.Mirius) next to it. They had 2 in the tank, a lovely looking Rusty coloured one and a sandy/beigey one at £43 a fish don't know whether that's good or bad. But I could be tempted when I get my office done (48x12x15) I believe that should be big enough for one. It's between him or cichlids at the moment.
Congo puffers don't get very big, but there's very little that can be kept with them as they're commited piscavores, so that 4ft tank may look very empty with just one small fish that stays buried under the substrate 99% of the time.

Go for the cichlids.

Here's our Congo.

What would be the minimum size tank for a Congo puffer. If I was to go for a Congo and had some guppies or something else swimming around would the puffer just eat and eat or would it just have the odd one or two and wait until another day. Along with some shrimpy type things along the bottom. Then top up every now and then. :thumbs:

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