Potamotrygon Motoro


Mar 8, 2007
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The closet in your bedroom
Potamotrygon motoro-Any one who knows a little about these rays or owns rays themselves, please post any tips and knowlage that u may have. And another thing, i've heard that since most rays are constantly "bullied" by other tank inhabitents, is it safe to keep them with discus? :/ I mean they arn't aggressive and enjoy the same water parameters as these guys.Advice wlecome :good:
the rays will eat the discus

unless you have a tank that 72inch long x 30inch wide forget motoro

if your tank is the size stated above then just get 1 male as they stay smaller than females

male motoro 16-18inch disk
female motoro 20-24inch disk

dont think you can get a smaller tank then upgrade when you need to rays grow fast and even if you buy a small motoro its going to need the tank size stated within 12 months

what ever you think will be enought filteration then double it rays eat a lot of food

rays dont get pick on if you stay away from ciclids
rays dont get pick on if you stay away from ciclids

I dont agree, big centrals like jags and wolfs will attack rays, but Geophagus and Satanoperca sp. will be fine with rays. Any of the big sp. (NOT G. brasiliensis, they are aggressive) will do fine with rays, but maby not with motoro as they get so big. Severums will do well, as will chocolate cichlids and any of the similar large but peaceful disk shape cichlids from south america; as long as they are too big for the rays to eat.
Other tankmates include Datinoids (tiger fish), fish from the Osteoglossidae family (arowanas), big catfish like striped shovelnoses and pangasius, bichirs and gars.
geos will get eatern the biggest geo as far as i know is jurapari which max out at 8-9inch that will be ray food for a motoro

sevs do peck at the rays disk so do uaru.a kept them both and seen it

the mid water for a ray tank has always been a problem

the only safe fish for sure are arowana and tiger/dats and flagtail proculotis but even flagtails somtime suck on the rays disk

silver dollars work to some extent but they will get eatern if the rays catch them

motoro are one of the most agressive rays when it comes to feeding

its not a case of what big enought to eat if the fish can be comletely covered buy the rays disk then the ray will over power the fish it may not eat it but it will suck the fishes eyes out

geos will work for about 6-12months then they will be to small
motoros need huge tanks and huge filtration
and any fish that can be covered by the disc could be killed or eaten
So arowanas work :hyper: I've always wanted to keep them with rays but I've heard that they can be very aggressive. How many can you keep in one tank. The Tank is 120gal. I choose the Motoro because they r easy to get, most LFS have them. If they don't work then please recommend another ray (that is easy to care for-in ray terms-), and is not that hard to get. :good:
Knowing the measurements of your tank is going to be the first step in knowing whether ot not you can keep rays.
You wont be keeping motoros for long in a 120g.

You need atleast something in the region of 250 UK gals, preferable more.
a 120g tank is to small the size tank you need i have stated already which paul is right is about a 260 us gal

aros are not that agressive but stay well away from the jardini

by stating the tank in gal size i would say you are in the US so the only arowanas you can get are jardini forget it they are to aggressive to be kept with any tank mates

silver aros can grow to 3ft +

black aros 30inch +

asian aros are banned in the US

hahaha this i have to hear a 120g tank that 5ft long and 4ft wide how deep os this tank :no:

if you live in canada then get an asian green aro
hahaha i worked this out myself that would make your tank 10inch deep if its a 120USgal tank and 12inch deep if its a 120ukgal tank

either your not telling the truth or you want to keep rays and aros in a puddle :no:
a tank that is 5ft long anx 4ft wide and 18inch deep would be 185 ukgal and 225 usgal

lets see some pics of his tank
Um... excuse me but I do not own the tank. :no: This post is about helping ppl (like me) learn more about rays. If u want to see some cool tanks try out the Members Aquarium and Fish Pictures forum. :good: All I'm here to do is to learn more about these rays as they r commenly available. I came here to seek some advice. :blush:

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