posting pictures


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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sometimes i can have the ability to post a picture to my topic, but when i make a new post i can't ... there is no where that says "browse for file here" or add a pictures....................... how come??? I have new tank pictures that i want to show off and it wont let me :no:
photobucket is a great way to post pictures on here.

but they gotta be in interchangable file...jpg.
testing 123.........

ok so i got the picture to show up on here, thast cool to know!! but it was too big so i toko it off. ok i will post another thread about my tanks and see what happens from there.. thanks a lot

everything i do, even try to add album it asks me for my password and then doesnt do anything........Hmmmmmmmmm
I thought that at first but if you scroll down the page you'll see your files underneath.

Tip - I always edit the photos to 25% of original size or else they always turn out too big for the forum page.
i got it all figured out :) thanks bunches!!



aww thanks! she is a sweetheart!! all 15 pounds of her!! she is just like a little puppy!! "wanna go to bed?" and shes in your room in two seconds. she likes to play with lazor lights. she knows "treats". ask her "where are the birds abby?" and shes at the window!! its amazing!! she shakes paw!!! i guess its all in the owners right!! :D lol

I definately think that it's all in the owners with a little bit of nature thrown in there too
yah for sure

shes a doll though we love her to death. she'll be 2 in august. had her since 6 weeks. she could fit in the palm of my hand.. now you almost need a forklift to carry her around hahaha j/k love her to death!! shes my baby!! shes indoors too so im not worried!! :)

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