Posting Fish

em 11

Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2005
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i have never posted fish before
how do you post fish
what do you put the fish in
how much would it cost to post guppies
any thing else i should know

thanks :) :)
i have never posted fish before
how do you post fish
what do you put the fish in
how much would it cost to post guppies
any thing else i should know

thanks :) :)

Have a look in the TFF FAQ for a topic on how to do it.
I keep and breed killifish and I send eggs and fish through the post during the warmer months.
You need to get hold of some sml polystyrene boxes. Your LFS might be able to help you here otherwise I think there is a seller on Ebay. Do not feed your fish for 24hrs before posting as waste products will foul the water in the bag. Place 1/3 water in the bag to 2/3 air. Tie in a knot at the top and place this inside another fish bag. (reason if one bag leaks then the second will hold the water in a puddle rather than all the water escaping into the box and stranding the fish) Line the box with newspaper and bubble-wrap for insulation.
Then wrap the box in brown wrapping paper, address it and head down the Post Office to get it weighed. Price, I don't know, for me it's usually around a fiver.
Don't tell the Post Office that you are sending live fish through their system as they will not be too pleased.
It's not the fish it's the water, they wont want it getting into their machinery.
I hope this gives you a little bit of insight into sending fish through the post.

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