Post Pics Of Your Bettas Want To See Whats Out There As I Want One


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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as above just wondering whats out there basically thanks please please help

forgot to say you can put your betta tanks on here to
Heres my one and only betta Sparkles.... Ive had him 3 years now so hes about 4-5 years old. I took the pic a cpl weeks ago. He lives alone in his 6G tank

oo your in trouble, will post mine tomorrow, not got time to look through my photobucket at the minute but theres loads!
Oooooo far too many to put up but some of ours are on our website. Just click the siggie below and go to the gallery if you want a peek :)
thanks everyone for replys as soon as i get mine ill post some piccies
here are mine, I also have a girl who is red/purple and 20-30 fry


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This is Duncan in his 5 gal planted hex tank.



And my 5 female bettas in their 12 gal planted tank.





honeythorn, the little tank on the right in your last pic, can you tell me the make of that tank, it is beautiful!
It has no make at all that I can find . It's just a plain glass 3 gal I bought from a Two by Two pet shop in a nearby Mall. They have them in all sorts of sizes. That's the smallest one they do and it was £10.99 ( and also came with no box so I had to carry it home loose like that :angry: )

The light is just a clip on arcadia lamp that I bought separately.

I don't have anything living in there ( to be fair it isn't big enough for much to live in ) apart from a couple of pest snails from my other tanks. I had only one plug left and that's running the light so heaters and filters are out of the question. It's just a moss tank for my own amusement (java moss and mossballs )
ah ha thank you! it must be the light that makes it look so pretty! wil have to find one thanks again!
ah ha thank you! it must be the light that makes it look so pretty! wil have to find one thanks again!

If you wanted to set something like that up have a look at the "azoo" tank range and the Arc pod clip on lights

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