Post A Pic Of Your Fish And Rate Fish Above You

Red zebra is stunning, I am a big fan of cichlids since my dad used to have them 10/10

Nice RTBS but since I dont really like them im only gonna give 7.5 sorry.

This is my Dolphin shark that I rescued from my works tank a good while ago and had to rehome...I grew quite attached to him but when we had a baby he had to go on account of his smoking habbit.


That fish above is the business!!! (just saw it after Id posted)....11/10 definatly!!....we have a winner surely!
heres my beuty his orriginal name was free willy now hes called mumbo jumbo.
i give u a 9 black knife
anyway heres mine

I give the firemouth 7.5, quite a nice composition

here is my panaque sp. 191 (dull eyed royal pleco)

The plec gets a deffinate 10 and the pirana 9!!! WOW! what a plec.
Here are my mollies and platies that all swim together.

7/10, nice fish but the pics are a bit blurry so can't see them too well

this is polly, not the best quality pic but i think she looks dead cute :good:

Got me totally with Polly, 10/10 easily for me.

Here're my babies, Bits and Bobs (Angel companions, Mr Black and Mrs White, cruising round the back) - oh, and my son names the fish btw, lol.

It's a golden panchax, the male is the colourful one. I have 4 females and one male in my tank and one of my females is just as big. They're one of my favourite all time fish, very friendly fish!!!! I have had babies recently too :)

i give that a 9 as i love unusual fish.
please no one rate this beause its a rubish pic but i just want to find out the real name for it.
its a golden sanchez or something im guessing the colourful 1 is the male and the white one is the female.
also are they easy to breed.
sorry about the pic quality they are always moving.

heres a better one

hes no type of killifish because on the pic he looks like one he is actualy about
2 inches long
Here's one of my angel boys posing for his closeup:


And this pic just cracks me up...peeping tom!! (with one of my male long finned rosy barbs in the front...isn't he pretty??)


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