Possibly Red Dragon Plakat


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok went to a petshop yesterday and they had what I think are red dragon plakats, does anyone have a picture of one so I can say for def its a red dragon I could be completely wrong. I reserved him yesterday but decided I couldnt justify taking him on at the moment as have hands full with baby etc...... So my friend is having him instead he is so gorgeous cant believe they had plakats in Living World, will try and get a pic of him when we have him but would appreciate someone posting pics of a red dragon so that I know for def thats what were getting if it is not bad for £4 and they had a few of them too.

Why are they called dragons?
There are the parents of my Dragons. The Male is a Red Dragon, and the Female is the only Orange Dragon I have ever seen.


I LOVE that little baby!! Wow! ...

You are my age and have a baby, I'm so jealous!

I haven't been married long enough to have a baby yet but we sure want one! Can't imagine why I cry happy tears every (month) time my platy or molly gets pregnant, I want one!!!! I'll give ya a molly for the baby! :p :shifty: :blush: :hyper: :p
Excuse me I saw the baby first....I got a grand son due in May! oops sorry this is a fish forum.... :blush:
Hey I have a 5 day old son! :hyper:

Anyway... back to the fish lol! That would be a good find in a pet store! Hope it is a red dragon!
All this baby thing is making me very broody!

anyway the dragon thing:

Dragon: This refers to bettas that have an extraordinary amount of metallic iridescence on the bodies in combination with colored fins. The bodies often appear silver. They are gaining rapidly in popularity, and I have seen them recently in black, green, white, yellow and even bright blue. They would be considered metallic types, dark bicolors, light bicolors, or AOC, depending on the finnage type, color, and degree of metallic.

from http://www.bettysplendens.com/articles/pag...?articleid=1417
Hey I have a 5 day old son! :hyper:

Anyway... back to the fish lol! That would be a good find in a pet store! Hope it is a red dragon!
tee hee I shall expect to see your Mums posting at about 3. in the morning then when the little uns wont sleep! :good:
Well I think he is a red dragon then have a pic on my phone so when i get to my dads I'll upload it onto here so it can be confirmed.

Thanks for all the nice comments on Morgan there are more pics of him in non fish photographs, that was him at 5 days old he's grown so much he weighed 5lb 4oz when he was born and now he weighs 9lb 13oz he's put on 2lb in the last month. Liz2 cant wait to see pics of your grandson when he's born, I've got my 2nd niece due in April which I cant wait for.

If I hadnt of had Morgan then I'd of got that male betta.
Yeah she got him I need to get to my dads to download the pic to his pc as its on my phone and dont have the software with me and have no pc at home :angry: Will get it up asap.

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