Possibly Pregnant?

heres a pic of the plec for you as ive tried working out which one it us but cant seem to match it up to the ones i know .

Hmm. No expert on plecs myself either but someone else will know. Maybe post on the catfish sub-section.

as for the platys i dont know how to work out which is which sex wise.

Easy one this: you need to look at fin shapes. Females have a triangular anal fin, males have a long pointy fin: see diagram.

Always better to keep at least two females to 1 male, or single sex groups. So once you know what you have, you can add another or leave it as it as accordingly.

as for fish i would love to have i know some of them i probally wont be allowed to mix:

  • red tail sharks
  • angel fish
  • siamese fighters
  • ruby barb
  • guppies

As so often happens you've picked some of the most attractive fish, which often prove to be the most unsuitable!

  • red tail sharks - Not recommended. They are very active and can be very aggressive over territory as they mature. Wouldn't add it to a tank with a potentially large plec. Also not sure your tank is large enough.
  • angel fish - Tricky to get the balance right with these. One may be miserable alone, two should only be kept together if they are an established breeding pair (not just a male or female), or they should be kept in a group of 5 or 6, but your tank isn't big enough for that - they can get quite big, and tall. I don't think these are a good idea. Others will inevitably disagree though.
  • siamese fighters - not recommended as community fish as they can be picked on by tetras andd other nippy fish, and conversely can take objection to other fish.
  • ruby barb - again, very lively active fish that need to be in groups and need large tanks, but they are fairly peaceful.
  • guppies - all males maybe, say around 5. Males and females = even more babies, and with platys and mollies in the tank already I don't think that's a good idea!

Any others?
the platys are 1 male and 1 female so i need another female correct?

rite from what i can think of as of more fish to mention i cant so maybe i might do some different types of tetras in a group first though

firstly i need to get another

4 bleeding heart tetras
1 more sunset platy (female)
another 7-10 neons

go with that for now get them and see what its like then look into maybe getting some serpae tetras or buenos aries tetras.

just out of curiosity my tank is at 24 degrees should i up it a degree or 2 or is that perfect as it is
your pleco is a common, will need atleast 1 5ftx2ft tank as an adult, if you can i'd recommend swapping it for a more suited speices such as a bristlenose
im not good at math all i was told is my tank is 4ft heres my exact tank dimentions etc below

Juwel Aqurium Rio 180
Volume: approx. 180 Litres
Measurements: 101 x 41 x 50 cm

i will look into swapping the plac for a bristlenose
Yes I suspected it was a common plec - a bristlenose would be much more suitable.

Instead of serpae tetras (evil) or b.a. tetras I suggest black and/or red phantom tetras. These display and colour nicely but are very peaceful. You could get away with just 6 of these, plus 6 bleeding heart and the group of 15 neons - I think you'd be pushing it by then. Bear in mind it's better to understock - who knows what you'd like to have in the future?

24C is fine.
PS please don't do this all at once! And try to up your plants first, even if they're fake - you do need more cover.
no probs thanks for all the help ive just got a new plant and a female sunset platy will wait a bit now before i get more :)

your helps been very appreciated thanks

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