Possible Tumor Or Disease

I got the maracyn plus. His lump looks about the same, maybe a little more grey and less white. He gets his second of three doses tonight.
Thank you for the update.
Is there any signs of improvement today?
It's hard to say, I check on him so often. I think the lump itself is the same size, but more grey and maybe less white.
He gets his last dose tonight. I am worried this will not cure him. Should I do a second round of the meds in a few days?
He still swims around and acts normal.

Bless Him.
Yes I would also suggest doing a second round of the maracyn plus. Sometimes it can take two rounds.of medication.
Does the betta still have a good appetite?
Yes, he is still eating like normal.
How long should I wait before doing a second round?
Just follow med instructions. Does it tell you in the instructions when to add the 2nd dose.
No it doesn't. Just the dosage amount and to give doses on day 1, 3, and 5, which I did.
The bump looks bigger today. More grey, protruding a little further, and the white isn't as defined. Like, before the white looked like a white head but not the white looks a little bigger and more like a coloration of the bump.
He's a little tricky to photograph

If it is lymthocystis the antibiotic won't help due to lymthocystis being viral.
I think I would preform a large water change and start the maracyn plus again.
Is the betta still eating?
Okay, I will try that.
Yes, he is still eating like normal.
Hows the betta doing?
It's been a while, I have been very busy. But he is not doing very well. He just finished his second round of the same meds yesterday. I am unable to post a picture at the moment, but the grey spot is bigger and it now has two white dots in the inside. He is swimming, eating and acting normal. The spot is just growing. Hopefully the second round will help. I am unsure if a third one is going to help or even be safe?

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