Well, it was below the tank, as the table is probably equal in height with the fish tank, but since the hose usually takes 15 cm at least or 30cm of that distance when in the tank, the other end is at either 45 cm or 30 cm distance from the hose's submerged end.yeah when you are sucking you are best off having the end you are sucking on below the tank, and keep it lower than the end in the tank and it will sustain flow. Make sure if flow stops that you completely empty the pipe before sucking again as water may be sitting in a bend in the hose close to the sucking end - that could be what your mum took up!
Just noticed at the start of this thread that The Taffy Apple does 40/50 water changes a week - now thats dedication for you! (and a darn good pair of lungs on the end of the pipe)
I use the pipe-sucking method on my tank, once a week to 'take out the waste' on the sand when water changing, taking the water out in the process (about 40-50%). Tonyb111111, you might find the current is piling up the c##p in little hidden-away corners which should simplify removal for you!
I still think a pump would be easier to use.
Yeah, I admire that dedication. I only do 1.5L a day and 20-30L a week, so that's 7 water changes a week on one tank.
I don't usually find waste, but I scoop whatever fragments I find with a cup since that's about all the waste that's left over. My female swordie is the janitor of the tank.