Possible Tetra Replacements....


Fish Herder
Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
Plymouth, UK
I think it's looming closer that my tetra will have to go back to lfs in exchange for something less nippy, they seem to be getting more and more interested in taking shots at my bettas fins.....although I can see no damage......they tank already suffered a case of finrot when a new fish was introduced a couple of weeks back, i fear the tetra caused my betta to have a small relapse a few days ago and he lost a little more tail......the previous bits already have a nice amount of regrowth....but understandably I can't afford for the tetra to go and ruin that.

So basically.....I want a fish, similar in size to tetra, that aren't known or a less likely to be fin nippers.....I've read a few places that cherry barbs would be suitable....is this true....I know most other breeds of barbs are a no-no...like the tiger.
Does anyone know what albino sharks would be like, or any sort of sharks for that matter with a betta?
Other fish I have considered are small gourami, in a pair.....swordtails....white cloud mountain minnows (though would like something less similar to my danios)...maybe a different sort of tetra....or are they all nippy?

My betta is very docile, and will not cause harm to any other fish, so that is not an issue, which is why I really need tank mates that won't pick on him.....he currently lives very happily with 4 zebra danios and a pitbull pleco, and he's fine with them.

So yeah....any suggestions will be most appreciated....as it would be a shame to have the tank understocked if I have to take my neons back, plus it will give me credit to buy more fish with :)
Too small for sharks, gourami's would be fine and maybe some platys (If you dont find them totally boring.)

Easyer to pick some yourself then ask if they'll be alright.
boring is ok, to be honest I find the tetra a bore compared to every other fish in there.....they definately have the least brain anyway :rolleyes:

oh and the tank is a juwel rekord 60....it's about 50 litres after plants and gravel....and is 60cm wide by 30 back and about 30 up, if that helps.

Obviously something like the cherries would be the ideal, as they are about the same size as tetra, and I could just swap my 5 for 5 cherries.
Hmm never heard of neons doing that before although bettas are known for being not very suitable for the average community - they are far too wimpy and unable to stand up for themselves. Maybe cherry barbs would be ok but if neons are talking a shot I see no reason why the barbs would be much different as maybe the neons are mistaking the trailing bits of fin for bloodworm or something? Maybe glowlights or guppies would be suitable? wcmm's may work well too, and , if you're looking for something else to go near the surface, marble hatchets are really nice (though you already have a few surface fish).

Not sure what type of sharks you are thinking of as there are a few types that may fit your description, but none would really be suitable that I can think of - Pangasius grow too big as do silver sharks, red tail blacks are also likely to be bullys, and the red finned shark might turn out to be a bully as well, though they're not as renowned for it as the rtbs.

Dwarf gouramis often arrive in this country in a very poor state health wise so probably a good idea to steer clear of those, but i have found honey gouramis are very peaceful if you don't mind something less colourful.

all in all most of the fish you mention would be fine in a normal communty minus the betta, so could it be a good excuse to get another tank just for your betta? :hyper: ?
yeah i see what you mean, i'd section my betta off but i feel bad seeing as with the other tank mates he's fine and in my eyes it would be like punishing him for something he's not done.
If all else fails maybe I will just leave it understocked.....

just read some rasboras can be good tankmates.....maybe i'll look into that
Set up another 5gal tank for the betta. Problem solved. :good:
I wouldn't risk Swordtails, they can be aggressive and surprisingly large when fully grown. How about some Harlequin Rasboras?. They don't always look attractive in a dealer's tank, but give them an hour in a well planted tank and they look fabulous. Or, if you like the look of Tiger Barbs, how about some Pentazona Barbs. Really placid fish and the males have a gorgeous red/pink tinge to them.
i'll look into that, obviously I'd like the calmest small fish possible really :)
How about rasboras? I love mine, they are really cute peaceful fish.
How about rasboras? I love mine, they are really cute peaceful fish.
Yeah saw some harlequins in my lfs just now.....I think they look good and have reviews as being peaceful.....I think it's either them or cherry barbs, but i'm kinda more inclined to go with rasboras just because of the barb nippy thing.....cherries aren't meant to be but it doesn't mean they won't. :rolleyes:
I would try some rummy nose tetra's. I have never heard/seen them get nippy. They are too tiny to anyway!
keep the suggestions coming!!!
I currently am treating the tank for columnaris, so for obvious reasons I can't return, or buy any new fish until it's 100% cleared, so at least 2 weeks, possibly longer.

I'm still not 100% sure my neons are even a problem, I've not seen them nip Odin yet today, but on occasion they will go at him a couple of times in a row.....but I've not seen them remove any fin yet, saying that they are only about 1/2 size, and I'm also a little concerned it will get worse when they are fully grown.
But maybe for peace of mind, a fish swap would be the best idea :) -_-

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