Possible Stocking?


Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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Hi all, I'm wondering about possible stocking for 2 different tanks.
First tank is a 17g, 60cm long tank. It's been up and running for about 2 years now. It's currently got just 8 Glowlight Tetras. It's sort of planted but I am planning on fixing it up in the next few weeks.Now, what other fish could I put in this tank if I was going to keep the Glowlights? What could I have if I was to rehome them? I kinda want Platy but I'm not sure if the tank is the right size for them.
The second is a 55g tank. It's currently home to 8 Albino Corys, 12 Rummynose Tetra and 1 Angel Fish. I was wondering if I'd be able to add a few more Rummies or maybe something else. I'm actually fine with how the tank is at the moment but I'm getting complaints from a few people that it looks empty so I thought I'd ask 

Thanks ^^
I believe I was told 15g is the minimum for platys, so you could get some if you like :) Maybe a centerpiece like peacock gudgeons or rams/apistos?
You could add more rummies to the 55 if you like. I'm not sure what else you could add to make it look more active as it should be pretty active already.
Maybe khuli loaches? :lol: It's already really similar to my 55g so that is what comes to mind.
Is this the tank that was going to be for barbs but something happened? I forget D:
I've had a thing for platy the last few months so I may look at a Platy only tank I love Peacock Gudgeons but I've never seen them for sale here 

Yeah it's that 55gal tank! I was going to get barbs and then I decided to have slow growing plants so I changed my stocking 
 Oh and also my betta but he's happily at home in another tank now. My Dad loves the Rummies so he'll be happy that he can get a bigger school 
 The only loaches available here are Clowns for some reason and I know they need much larger tanks. It's a shame since I adore the looks of a few loaches 
damanax said:
Hi all, I'm wondering about possible stocking for 2 different tanks.
First tank is a 17g, 60cm long tank. It's been up and running for about 2 years now. It's currently got just 8 Glowlight Tetras. It's sort of planted but I am planning on fixing it up in the next few weeks.Now, what other fish could I put in this tank if I was going to keep the Glowlights? What could I have if I was to rehome them? I kinda want Platy but I'm not sure if the tank is the right size for them.
The second is a 55g tank. It's currently home to 8 Albino Corys, 12 Rummynose Tetra and 1 Angel Fish. I was wondering if I'd be able to add a few more Rummies or maybe something else. I'm actually fine with how the tank is at the moment but I'm getting complaints from a few people that it looks empty so I thought I'd ask :fish:
Thanks ^^
I'll split up my post into to bits so it's easier to understand and so I don't get confused. :lol:

If you kept the glow lights you could have a trio of platies with them and then add a school of small cories such as pandas, hasbrosus, hastatus or pygmeaus.

I think you should get double the amount of tetras and cories. That should fill it up a bit :lol:
You could also add some livebearers or smaller plecos such as The ones in this list:
TallTree01 said:
Hi all, I'm wondering about possible stocking for 2 different tanks.
First tank is a 17g, 60cm long tank. It's been up and running for about 2 years now. It's currently got just 8 Glowlight Tetras. It's sort of planted but I am planning on fixing it up in the next few weeks.Now, what other fish could I put in this tank if I was going to keep the Glowlights? What could I have if I was to rehome them? I kinda want Platy but I'm not sure if the tank is the right size for them.
The second is a 55g tank. It's currently home to 8 Albino Corys, 12 Rummynose Tetra and 1 Angel Fish. I was wondering if I'd be able to add a few more Rummies or maybe something else. I'm actually fine with how the tank is at the moment but I'm getting complaints from a few people that it looks empty so I thought I'd ask 

Thanks ^^
I'll split up my post into to bits so it's easier to understand and so I don't get confused.

If you kept the glow lights you could have a trio of platies with them and then add a school of small cories such as pandas, hasbrosus, hastatus or pygmeaus.

I think you should get double the amount of tetras and cories. That should fill it up a bit

You could also add some livebearers or smaller plecos such as The ones in this list:
Thanks for the help TallTree. That's a heap more fish than I thought I'd be able to have in the 17g let alone the 55g.
I really do like the sound of some platy and then some panda cories for the 17g. I'd be switching to sand for the little guys though, so that might be fairly far in the future stocking wise :)
For the 55g, if I upped the number of Rummies and cories, what livebearers, and how many, would you recommend? I'm pretty terrible with stocking numbers and such 

I'm trying to stock some more appropriate fish before my mother takes advice from one of her friends who 'knows what she's talking about' (she really doesn't have a clue) 
For the 17g You could add maybe 7 panda cories and 3 platies. They might breed so it would be useful to have a tank for the fry if you don't want them eaten.

In the 55, with about 25 rummies and 15 cories, I'm guessing you'd want something other than platies? You could get approximately 5-6 guppies or a trio of swordtails ( again be prepared for breeding ) .
Then perhaps 1 - 2 plecoes like Bristlenose ( these are pretty easy to find and are really sweet ) :)
That stocking plan for the 17g sounds perfect! Pandas are expensive as here but they're so cute!
Would the Guppies work with the Angel? I thought I heard that they wre sort of incompatible but I may be thinking of the wrong fish 
Shoot! Forgot about your angel. Sorry buddy. Yeah, it's be best to stay away from livebearers altogether with an angel I think. Thanks for picking up on that btw. I'd hate myself if you did something silly because of me. :lol:
Haha I remember whining about this person I saw at the LFS buy an Angel and a few Guppies for their small as tank so I was sure I wasn't imagining things! 25 Rummies and 15 Cories still sounds great though
 If I ended up going for a BN plec, would I be reducing the number of cories?
Sorry for all the questions!
damanax said:
Hi all, I'm wondering about possible stocking for 2 different tanks.
First tank is a 17g, 60cm long tank. It's been up and running for about 2 years now. It's currently got just 8 Glowlight Tetras. It's sort of planted but I am planning on fixing it up in the next few weeks.Now, what other fish could I put in this tank if I was going to keep the Glowlights? What could I have if I was to rehome them? I kinda want Platy but I'm not sure if the tank is the right size for them.
The second is a 55g tank. It's currently home to 8 Albino Corys, 12 Rummynose Tetra and 1 Angel Fish. I was wondering if I'd be able to add a few more Rummies or maybe something else. I'm actually fine with how the tank is at the moment but I'm getting complaints from a few people that it looks empty so I thought I'd ask 

Thanks ^^
for the small tank a group of 6 cories pygmy or panda are your only real options or you could add another group of 8 fish e.g any bullet tetra guppys endlers or you could have a group of 5 platys
for the 55 i would say another 12 medium size fish would fit perfectly basically cherry barbs (other barbs would be very risky as you have an angel) or tinfoil though any tetra not congo though due to the angel harlequins or or a group of 8 mollys scissortails rainbowfish danios  glass catfish
damanax said:
Haha I remember whining about this person I saw at the LFS buy an Angel and a few Guppies for their small as tank so I was sure I wasn't imagining things! 25 Rummies and 15 Cories still sounds great though :nod: If I ended up going for a BN plec, would I be reducing the number of cories?
Sorry for all the questions! :angel:
With BN you could probably have all the tetras and cories too, but I would lower them to about 20 tetras and 13 cories just so the filter doesn't get overloaded. :)
Be sure to add the new fish slowly over time so there is no ammonia spike.
Well we'll be picking up a few more Rummies tomorrow and will be getting  few more cories in the following weeks. I'll also be eventually changing the substrate to sand in both of these tanks, just need a few spare days to do it.
Oh yeah I totally get it. I wasn't planning on getting them all at once, Rummies and Albino Cories are reeeaaaalllly expensive so my wallet would be happy with it being spaced out a bit 
I keep three 2" angels with a male swordtail, they never pay any attention to each other even at feedings...the angels mostly just bicker among themselves, but I never see any real damage done. :D I've kept angels with guppies, but no longer as I know the angels will eventually eat the guppies. But I've found my angels to be pretty easygoing. My fish usually only torment those of their own species. :p
My Angel is a wuss and runs away from the Rummies.
Can Platy work with Angel Fish? Or is it a big no-no? It's been years since I owned Platy and I've forgotten what they're like
Yes, Platies are mellower than swords, and I keep swords with angels with no problem (thus far)...

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