Possible Shrimp Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2011
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im thinking of doing a well planted sort of shrimp tank
what size tank?
what works well together?

any advice woudl be nice
im also doing extra research before too

btw i was veryyy excited when i found the different colours im realllyy hoping to do 7 shrimp colours of the rainbow. im a huge fish caretaker and lover so more advice the better thank:)
Cherry shrimp will do fine in a 20L tank, but will quickly out breed the area, while crystal shrimp (red or black) will need a larger tank because they are much fussier with regards to water quality and temp. Shrimp like African basket shrimp will also need a larger tank with plenty of flow to enable them to filter feed and amano shrimp are also a larger shrimp.

When you mentioned a rainbow of colours I immediately thought of all the possible colours and patterns available in cherry shrimp. However if you put all of the various colours and patterns into one tank they will just breed and more than likely the offspring will eventually revert back to the wild brownish cherry shrimp. Some of the new colours and patterns that are now becoming more readily available in cherry shrimp took a long time to establish and breed true.

Really the size tank and temp will depend on what type of shrimp you decide to get, how much room you have and how much you are willing and able to spend on shrimp. let alone what will be available to you.

I would suggest doing some online classifieds searches on places like gumtree to find out what is available and what sort of prices are being asked.
thank you

so a smaller tank like i was looking for something small easly to keep i already have 4 other fish tanks sooo haha someone fairly easy and not too expensive
A fluval edge makes a good shrimp tank, either the 23 or 46 litre one. The 46 is better obviously but the 23 is ok. Cherry shrimp will live happily with crystal reds and wont cross breed. Just don't get the tank to warm and carry out regular water changes and you will have a tank full in no time.
Don't know where you are but there is a guy in Yorkshire that breeds both and sell's at reasonable prices.

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