Possible or unfair on the fish :P?


Jul 26, 2004
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Gloucester (England)
Right my idea with my 6 gallon tank is that, have a section partitioned off which is 6" on either side, then in the middle have a 12" section.

the two 6" sections would be home to two male bettas, and the middle would have about 3 female bettas... Could this work or would it be too stressful to the fish?
If the 6" partitions are 1 gallon or more
each then I think it will be ok. :thumbs:
Just worked things out again...

the 6" partition = L:6" x W:8" x H:6-8"

Which is a minimum of 1 gallon, no lower, so if i had it more than 6" high it would be more than 1 gallon.
its my understanding (from reading this form) that females need to be kept in larger tanks (10gal) with a min number of 4 (so they can form a pecking order) -_-
i must admit thou that i have kept 2 females in a 2.5 gal without any problems but i fear once they get older that i will have to seperate them. :/
maybe just getting 1 female and dividing the tank equally instead, or keeping the same set up but putting some other fish in with the female.
hope this info helps and if i'm incorrect about the females someone please let me know. :rolleyes:
yeah, keeping the three females in the 3 gallons is wrong. thats way to small for them. why not divide it for ways? m,f,f,m?
I think it would be ok, depending on the temperment of the females.
I have three females together in a 10 gallon right now (and plan to get another) and I never see them even chase one-another. My ladies are well behaved :rolleyes:
I think the previously posted idea of splitting the tank 4 ways is better, though... that way you aren't risking a mishap.
Yeh, i think you lot are right!

But i may have to split it 4 ways and only use 3 sections. At first i wasnt going to have a filter running, but now im thinking about purchasing a fluval 1+ so that will take up alot of space meaning i wont be able to keep the betta section with the filter.
Make sure you have back-up homes for your females. I have some in my community tank that are as sweet as can be and then other girls who literally kill anything in their sight. You just never know :blink:
Yeah, observe them closely... some females will chase the others to their grave :/ after tearing them apart.

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