Blondielovesfish said:TLM.![]()
Yeah I wasn't going to get any Amazon Swords as after seeing some pictures of them in other tanks I soon realised they would take over lol! I've been looking into the crypts and providing I can buy some I will almost certainly get some.![]()
5-6 sounds a good number. I've recently found some cheap guppies on a local online auction site and I'm now currently waiting for pictures. The person said that he has 5 male rainbow guppies and 1 male fancy tail guppy, do you think I would be able mix the fancy with the others?
For feeding, what vegetables in particular would you recommend for them?
I'll head over to that pictorial section now and have a good look at it.![]()
I'd imagine crypts will be easy enough to come by in NZ - all my decent LFS have them.
The guippies will be fine together - they aren't different species, just different colour morphs.
Pretty much any veggy is fine, I've fed my peas, carrots, swede, anything really that's mashable, with the exception of potato. Since my wife doesn't salt the water that she cooks our veg in, I just take a little piece before it gets served, let it cool, (with peas, remove the shell) and then mash it under the back of a fork. You can also use cucumber, and courgette/zuchini. If you use salt, then you'd need to blanch a little piece separately, but still use a little piece of whatever you're having.
TallTree01 said:I didn't relaize tank size was a problem for plants! After a quick doodle on google it turns out you are right again! How are you doing this?!?![]()
Don't worry. It's just experience. I used to have vallis in my old 65l tank, I used to have to give it a haircut every 3-4 weeks because it would just grow and grow and grow. Nightmare. I have standard swords (e.bleheri) in my 100l, and know that they would outgrow my 34l.