Possible Fish Disease! Need Help


New Member
Sep 21, 2007
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hello im new to the forums!

anyway today i noticed on the side of my moonlight gouarmi, there is a small hole just behind his gill, its red and looks like an open wound, unfortunatly i dont have a hospital tank as i cant afford one!

does anyone know how i can heal this fish and stop it spreading to my other fish
It should heal, aslong as the tank is healthy. Iv had this on one or two of my platys but they have survived fine.
Is the hole going through the gill plate.
to be honest i dont know what a gill plate is sorry
no its well behind the gills....my description of the area wasnt to good lol its just a circle hole in his side close to the side fin (no idea what its called, im pretty new to fish keeping) but its red with white around the edges and looks really sore, i was wondering if some kind of virus or something is eating away at my fish or if it is going to get infected and kill him.....i feel bad not being able to help him :(
yes that looks like what my fish has! thankyou very much :D.....ill pop down to my local aquatic centre tommoz and see what they have.......thanks again
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