Possible Bala Babies


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Hey everyone, not sure if this should be labeled as an emergency, but I think my balas were spawning. The other day I noticed that the balas weren't doing their usual chasing and playing routine. They were rubbing together. I went on Google to check out everything and I found this link here: Bala Shark If you watch the video that is the exact same thing my sharks were doing. According to the site that's "possible spawning behavior" but I just want to be sure. My PH is 7 and the temperature of my tank is 76 F. I do notice that one of the sharks is much bigger than the other leading me to believe one female and one male. I wish I could have gotten it on video, but I wasn't thinking of it at the time. I read that they release their sperm and egg out in the water, and I didn't see anything. It may just be I wasn't looking for the right thing. What do you guys think?

There are very few, if any, confirmed reports of balas breeding in captivity. What size are yours? M?ost people reckon you would need at least 7-8" balas before they are mature enough to breed. Mine all indulge in some body slapping and grinding, usually after food when they are re-establishing the shoal pecking order.
They are about 5-6". I have never seen them do it after food, I find it quite amusing when they were doing that. Thanks for responding!


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