Fish Addict
Well, I was depressed today, so I went to Petco to buy a fish....the best kind of therapy! I wanted to get a betta to replace my beloved Herbert (R.I.P. ) so I was browsing through the bettas when I noticed one with really bad popeye. I'm usually very good at avoiding buying sick fish... but he was just too sad looking, and I could tell that he was a fighter when he flared at me after I picked him up! So... I got a little 1 gallon, filtered, lighted tank and I brought him home! I added some Melafix... will that take care of the popeye? Or do I need to get some medicated food? I've never dealt with popeye before, so any advice would be appreciated! Even if he doesn't make it, at least he will have had a happy (albeit short) life in a roomy one gallon instead of being cramped in a little cup.