

Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
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California, U.S.A.
Well, I was depressed today, so I went to Petco to buy a fish....the best kind of therapy! :D I wanted to get a betta to replace my beloved Herbert (R.I.P. :byebye:) so I was browsing through the bettas when I noticed one with really bad popeye. I'm usually very good at avoiding buying sick fish... but he was just too sad looking, and I could tell that he was a fighter when he flared at me after I picked him up! So... I got a little 1 gallon, filtered, lighted tank and I brought him home! I added some Melafix... will that take care of the popeye? Or do I need to get some medicated food? I've never dealt with popeye before, so any advice would be appreciated! Even if he doesn't make it, at least he will have had a happy (albeit short) life in a roomy one gallon instead of being cramped in a little cup. :-(
Melafix usually isn't strong enough for popeye, especially if it's a bacterial problem. -_- It might just be from water quality though, and will clear up if you keep his water extra clean. I'd suggest Maracyn Two, it's good stuff. You won't need any medicated food.

Good on you for getting the poor little survivor. I wish him the best. :wub:
Good for you taking on such a task up front.

How can you tell a fish definately has the popeye?

My white Betta, Kao, eyes are rather big looking. But I can't tell if they just look big, because his "eyelids" are white instead of clear like alot oft Betta's or what.

He has been acting a little funny the last few days though. And today he's been sitting on the bottom of his beanie box, and when he does rove about his anal fins and dorsal fin is clamped. He does flare a little (he's never been a big flarer though) and eats well still. He's solid white..but his tail is looking a little pink tinged.

But his eyes, to me, look somewhat like a golfishes eye's. Could that really be popeye?

I have some Melafix and Aquarisol on hand, my BettaMax hasn't come in just yet. Would either of those work? I keep salt in with them, so I dunno. I've not had to medicate too many fish before.
SRC - Sometimes you can't tell for sure, you'll have to use your own judgement. Usually popeye is pretty obvious though, and often makes the eye cloudy too. If you want to treat him, I'd say maybe add a tiny bit of Melafix. Keep his water extra clean too, as that is usually the best treatment. :nod:
I just bought some of those Tetracycline Tablets tonight, I was looking for some Bettamax..because for a couple of extra $$ it wouldn't hurt to buy some more, to keep on hand, since I have some ordered but it hasn't arrived yet..but they only had Bettafix.

His water is kept clean..as I change it daily..sometimes more if it looks dirty or if he has pooped alot from the time I changed it.

Hopefully these tabs work..because he worry's me..how he is laying more and more on the bottom of the tank, and now that his fis are kinda clamped up..I'm really worried. he's done that alot since I got him..but lately he just does it too much imo.
SRC. All I can say is that you are a really good person. We salute you.

Good luck with your new betta. I really hope he makes it.
well thanks :wub:

I adore my fish, and I couldn't live with myself if I let them die without even trying to help them. Same as with my dogs and cats...my mom thinks I'm absolutely crazy, because I *spoil* them she says...but oh well. lol I can live with being crazy, can't live with being cold hearted. hehe

We buy them...so I feel weI gotta take care of them best we can, right?
good for you for helping the little guy out, melafix will help popeye but like sorrel said its not quite strong enogh, id add a little salt and keep his water very clean and perhaps it'll clear up. if he flared at u when u got him thats a good sighn, is he eating at all?
Thanx for all the advice guys! :thumbs: He's swimming a little bit wonky and having a hard time keeping himself from floating on his side. :sad: But he's still hanging in there and eating like crazy! He looks so thin and malnurished. I just hope he makes it! :flex:
Popeye is doing great!!! :flex: :flex: :flex: He's swimming fine, flaring at everything, and terrorizing all of the snails that I put in with him. I think the anarchis that I had in his tank had something to do with his recovery. He would sit on top of it and breath from the surface whenever he needed to. Thanx for all of your help everyone!

BTW- I am now officially addicted to bettas! There is this beautiful pure-white one at the LPS... maybe I can make room for him in the 2.5 gallon if I move the guppies to another tank... hmmmm... :shifty: :D

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