Pop Eye In Mollies

well an easier treatment would be marcyn. it's about 6 dollars for 8 pills, i just crushed the pill and mixed it in with the brine shrimp, but this was for a bacterial infection.
well an easier treatment would be marcyn. it's about 6 dollars for 8 pills, i just crushed the pill and mixed it in with the brine shrimp, but this was for a bacterial infection.

True, but then you are simply treating the problem, not the cause. ;) It's a short term solution.
very true, i had a bacterial infection and treated it with marcyn. Are my other fish still vulnerable to it occuring again or no?
If you're asking if it remains in the tank, no it doesn't. Fish are always vulnerable to disease, there's nothing we can do about that. But keeping them in healthy, ideal conditions reduces the chances of them getting a disease.

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