My female Dwarf Gourami isn't looking too good. She started behaving odd yesterday eve and is constantly at the surface near the outlet pipe (see picture below). All the other fish are fine, I do have another male in there although he is not bothering her as far as I can see and I'm usually in the room with the tank and have been keeping watch on them since I bought them last Sunday with the view on buying another female if he was harassing her but he hasn't as far as I can see. I checked the water (which I do every couple of days as the tank only finished a fishless cycle 3 weeks ago) last night and the ammonia was slightly increased from the usual 0ppm but it wasn't even 0.25 just a SLIGHT greeny yellow so I did a 70% water change to be on the safe side as it was due today anyway. I checked the water this morning and all levels are fine. I've noticed that her fins are not looking to good and some have deteriorated. I have put up a picture below, any advice greatly appreciated.