Poorly Blue Ram Cichlid?


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
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i recently bought 3 blue ram cichlids, and they seemed fine until a few hours ago when i noticed one had what looked like lots of tiny white eggs stuck too it, having checked them again i noticed all 3 have the same problem,tho none of them show any behaviour changes and are all eatily hungrily it just doesnt look right. im new too keeping cichlids so i would appreciate help on what this is and if its curable? ( the ph and temperature are all okay for the rams )

thanks in advance :)
i recently bought 3 blue ram cichlids, and they seemed fine until a few hours ago when i noticed one had what looked like lots of tiny white eggs stuck too it, having checked them again i noticed all 3 have the same problem,tho none of them show any behaviour changes and are all eatily hungrily it just doesnt look right. im new too keeping cichlids so i would appreciate help on what this is and if its curable? ( the ph and temperature are all okay for the rams )

thanks in advance :)
From what you describe it might be ich. Just to know what is your ph and temp. And more importantly what is your kh. With rams it is more important to keep the water soft and the temp in the mid 80's. Rams are also very fragile. I had a friend who had his rams die because he used lotion before he cleaned his tank and forgot about it. Also if it possible that you could upload a pic so i could take a better look.
Hi thanks for the reply.. The rams are kept in good quality water with the ph around 6.8, the kh 4.5 and the temperature at 82f, they were fine until I changed the water around a few days ago maybe I miscalculated something, I will upload a pic for you in the morning as I'm in the uk and its late, thanks again
Hi thanks for the reply.. The rams are kept in good quality water with the ph around 6.8, the kh 4.5 and the temperature at 82f, they were fine until I changed the water around a few days ago maybe I miscalculated something, I will upload a pic for you in the morning as I'm in the uk and its late, thanks again
It sounds like you have the water quality correct. Maybe you accidentally introduced a foreign substance (such as soap). As rams are very sensitive. I will see what the pic looks like tommoro.
hi again... ive got a pic but im struggling too get it onto here? is there a way that your supposed too do it? thanks
hi again... ive got a pic but im struggling too get it onto here? is there a way that your supposed too do it? thanks
I use photo bucket. Once you make an account and upload your pics onto it. You copy the image code and paste it in the reply box.
Ahh okay well I took the picture too my local pet store and your right it is ich, I've been given some treatment for it so it should be sorted hopefully :)

Thanks again!

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