Poorly Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2010
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales
Hiya my male betta seems to be unwell his stomach is swollen which i thought he was constipated so ive starved him for 4 days only feeding him a pea which i thought would help but he seemed uninterested in the pea and is very listless he jus stays by the filter unlike him hes always swimming about also his fins look a bit ragged and thin and we only have 2 corys in with him have done for 9-10 months tank has been running jus checked water and stats are:-
so that seems all fine so am confused now what to do next any help would be great thanks.
Water changes every day for a week, this will really help. How often do you normally do water changes and how much?

What size tank is it?

I am sure someone will be along soon to give more advice.
I think one of my female bettas has dropsy as well :(.

Does your fish have pine-coning? like when you look at them from above, it looks like the scales are sticking out?
yeah he may have, i lost lotus to this on saturday, he got worse over 2 months, i hope yours hasn't x
Yeah he does seem to have a pine cone effect to his scales thats what made me think it was dropsy is there a cure for this?
From what I have read no there isn't, i tried for 2 months trying to help Lotus, he was still eating but was so full of fluid he was too heavy to go and get air. It was upsetting.

Do you have a photo?
No i dont have a photo but will try and get one asap im so gutted as its my 4 year old daughters favourite fish :sad:

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