Poorly 3-Lined Cory


Jan 11, 2011
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I have a few 3-lined cories in my 90L tank. One of them is not that well however. Fast breathing but not other symptoms. No spots. No damaged fins. The other fishes are all fine. I also noticed its barbels are shorter than the other corys. I guess it is not well. Substrate is sand and fairly clean (at least my other fishes are absolutely fine). Any ideas?

Well, your other fish may seem fine for now, but they also may start to act poorly down the line. First off, do a fairly big water change. Then let us know what your water parameters are, how big your tank is, what else is in the tank, and how long the tank has been cycled.

I went through a horrible period with my 3-lined corydoras and out of 14, only one survived. It was mouth fungus but I didn't figure it out until it was too late.
I've already done a massive water change, vacuumed the sand and put more plants in. Water is fine. pH is 7.8. Stocking as per signature. The tanks is about 5 months old (cycled).


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