Poor Quality Of Some Pet Shops:|

Don't like bashing lfs's but a little family run one near me had some female bettas homed together with some males (3m 15-20f) with a sign underneath reading "female fighter fish, best kept in a group of 5 with at least 1 male"

As you can imagine they all had tore fins, lots of chasing and flaring... When i mentioned it i was told "they're fighting fish, it's what they do"...

I had the same problem when I was sold 2 female Bettas and was told they would be fine with a male. It wasn't really the stores fault but more the advice off 1 of the staff because all the fish seemed in good nick.
Don't like bashing lfs's but a little family run one near me had some female bettas homed together with some males (3m 15-20f) with a sign underneath reading "female fighter fish, best kept in a group of 5 with at least 1 male"

As you can imagine they all had tore fins, lots of chasing and flaring... When i mentioned it i was told "they're fighting fish, it's what they do"...

Given that the slang name for a Betta (male or female) is a fighter fish, you would've thought they'd have another look at how they should be kept, just incase their common name was given through reputation. >_>

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