Poor New Boy!


The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
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My Bettas House In New York
So I went to the lfs today, they're usually good. I went in and saw rob, one of the guys who work there looking really angry, so I went over and asked what was wrong, he told me they had gotten in their new shipment of bettas, from a new supplier they were trying out, and ALL but 2 had arrived dead, out of 25 bettas, males and females. out of the 2 that were still alive, Jess, the other employee and a betta fanatic was taking one, the healthier of the 2, and rob asked me (knowing I love bettas) if I'd like the other boy for free, since he was in such bad shape. Hes real pretty looks like he'll be a blue butterfly delta once hes healed I'll be able to figure out his span better. But he has Horrible fin rot, most of his anal fin is missing and part of his tail are starting to rott too, he has some red streaking and fuzz covering the bottom and one side of his tail. I'm not sure if he'll make it, but my fingers are crossed.

I've named him Ruffles!

The pics are bad but I wanted to show you the shape hes in.



Awe Jaded12 your at it again. Rescuing those betta babies!!! Great job!!!! :good:

He is really handsome, glad you could get him! :fish:
Awww.. poor lil bettas :(
I hope that that store cusses out whoever that supplier is!! :crazy:
I really hope Ruffles pulls through, he looks like he'll be an amazing lil guy when he's all better
Awwww! Hope he makes it!!! good luck and he looks to be pretty once he's all healed! :D

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