poor lil betta just doesn't seem happy :(


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2004
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:-( The betta that I got perhaps twop weeks ago, has been lethargic all day. He's been hiding under a rock, and not swimming much unless i poke at him with the net :-( of course as i say that i see him swim up for just a second...... :/ i treated the tank with anti fuingal stuff b4 i noticed him acting wierd...maybe he doesn't like it? he has no visible ailments??what should i do??
feed him some good foods... my bettas did that too from bein stuck in cups.. i fed mine freeze dried brine shrimp everyday and now theyre both totally fine.. i have another betta thats like that from livin in a cup... hopefully the good foods will help him aswell
I feed him, bettamin (flakes with frreze dried brine shrimp) betta pellets, and frozen blood worms...(not all at same time lol) :sick: but he has been fine for the last two weeks....... :dunno:
What is the size of the tank he is in.

also remember in the wild they dont do allot of moving. What i have observers is that Bettas are ambush feeders and they just sit around until some thing goes past them, Then they spring into action. i have mine in a 54ltr tanks with two females and they all just hang around slowly moving around. but they do like to go back into the bushy area and curl around the stems of the plants.

My male likes to rest against the inlet of the filter and let the water run past him. he is wierd. he will swim around and then go back and force all the rest of the fish away to gust hang out there
fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
What is the size of the tank he is in.
My lil guy was in a 10 gallon tank, and unfortunantly with very littte hiding spaces. This morning I moved him to I guess what you would call a hospital tank :rofl: It's a giant beer mug filled with water from my 10 gallon.. :rofl: He actually seems better, or at least swimming more :wub: He ate this morning, so that's good :D It seems to me, (I could be seeing things) that he has itty bitty little tiney white dots on him...fungus? He was in a treated tank.... :X ? :dunno: thanks for your help, keep it coming =)
i treated the tank with anti fuingal stuff b4 i noticed him acting wierd...maybe he doesn't like it? he has no visible ailments??what should i do??

If I'm reading this right you used medication without seeing signs of fungus?

Be careful with medications, and don't use them too lightly. Like human medications they can be strong and have negative side effects.

btw, my betta in a well planted 15 is quite active.
thecichlidaddict said:
If I'm reading this right you used medication without seeing signs of fungus?
My goldie suddenly had gotten black on the top of his body, and some fins, (like overnight) so i treated the tank just in case, I always thought it was safe to do, and a good idea when you get new fish...btw, do you know what the black stuff is?
I always thought it was safe to do, and a good idea when you get new fish...

I personally don't agree with this method. The safest thing to do is purchase the fish from a place that you trust and check the fish very carefully for signs of illness before adding it to an aquarium.

Are the black markings little spots?
sumer_kay said:
fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
What is the size of the tank he is in.
My lil guy was in a 10 gallon tank, and unfortunantly with very littte hiding spaces. This morning I moved him to I guess what you would call a hospital tank :rofl: It's a giant beer mug filled with water from my 10 gallon.. :rofl: He actually seems better, or at least swimming more :wub: He ate this morning, so that's good :D It seems to me, (I could be seeing things) that he has itty bitty little tiney white dots on him...fungus? He was in a treated tank.... :X ? :dunno: thanks for your help, keep it coming =)
Actually, you should start him off in a smaller container and with very, very clean water. A lot of times meds are not really required (I learned this the hard way) and that something as simple as a water change is more of an effective cure. Your betta was probably overwhelmed by the size of the 10 gallon tank when coming straight from a cup. Keep up the water changes for a week and see how he does then. If he's perky and hungry all the time, then he may be ready for the home you set for him. :)
In case of lethargic bettas, set them up in a split tank with another betta, or put a mirror up to the tank occasionally. That always breathes energy into them. Also, make sure your water is maybe a bit on the warm side, at least 78 degrees. In cooler water bettas will just float around. And it's very true, cup sickness takes awhile to go away. I've got two crowntails I just rescued from cups, and its been two days and they still haven't eaten. They'll come around though. :)

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