Fish Crazy
When we moved into our house there was a jewul 3 foot with 2 huge goldfish in it, after a few weeks one passed away and i was informed they were about 5 years old, the tank started to leak and for my fellah's birthday he wanted a small pond in the garden so we got one, filled it with the hose pipe and all i'd known of fish was my mum took the fish out of her tank, emptied it, filled it with tap water and put the fish back (we knew nothing of filters and tapsafe back then) we put the remaining fish in the pond and i bought him 2 comets and 2 sh'kins to go with it. Immidiatly afterwards i started reading up on fish and how to look after them and the next day went out a bought a filter for the pond that filtered double the amount i needed and i got some pond safe for future cleaning.
i went into my lfs recently and asked how to rid pond weed and they said rather than waste money wait a week or two because the cold weather will kill it off, now i've noticed there's huge lumps of it growing all over it i've tried using a broom handle to pull it out but it's not getting enough of it and all though it's not very big in terms of diameter it's quite deep and i've rocked all the sides to plant next year and now worried if i use something smaller like a brush i may well fall in.
Any idea's on how i can get it out or kill it off without harming the fish, it seems to get worse the colder the weather.
i went into my lfs recently and asked how to rid pond weed and they said rather than waste money wait a week or two because the cold weather will kill it off, now i've noticed there's huge lumps of it growing all over it i've tried using a broom handle to pull it out but it's not getting enough of it and all though it's not very big in terms of diameter it's quite deep and i've rocked all the sides to plant next year and now worried if i use something smaller like a brush i may well fall in.
Any idea's on how i can get it out or kill it off without harming the fish, it seems to get worse the colder the weather.