Pond Plants In 40"deep Pond? Are There Any?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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my pond is a raised pond as you can see by my other thread in this section. what I have now is a big tub which is quite deep and with no shelves. It looks a biyt clinical now and could do with some plants

are there any plants I could have in a pond this deep that would go in baskets at the bottom? I have bought a lily and hopefully that will sprout to the top to improve the astheatics of the pond
Canadian pondweed/Elodea canadensis will grow if you tie it to a rock or put it in a pot and drop it in the pond, i have some growing at the deepest end of my pond which is just over 4ft deep and this stuff has just grown all the way to the surface within a month :thumbs: .
Also, you can make some shelves in the pond by simply filling up a plant pot with gravel and then use it as a shelf and put another plant pot with pond plant in it on top :thumbs: .
Vallis can reach 4 feet as can ludwigia, elodia (as already mentioned), Ambulia (but it needs to be brought indoors over winter), cabomba (but this and ambulia have soft leaves and might get eaten by the fish). Water lillies will certainly reach the surface and if you want to have marsh plants then either get some milk crates and stack them upside down in the pond and put the plants on top. Or use some 2inch thick polystyrene foam and cut rings out of it. Make the rings a couple of inches wide and the inner hole just big enough for the pot to sit in. Then the plant can float around the pond in its little foam flotation device.

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