Pond Liner ?


New Member
Jan 31, 2009
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Hi all ,

Im thinking of putting in a small pond in my back garden.

Nothing fancy , just a bit of a feature and more fish to watch.

With my tropical tank and my marine nano on the go i dont really have too much funds so i cant go mad.

Im thinking of the pond liner route.

Does anyone know of a good brand or reccomend anything.

Ive had a look on the bay but dont want to buy anything that is useless.

Many thanks
Thanks for the reply buddy,

Do you think its worth having a look on ebay ?

Is any one brand better or more durable ?
You can actually buy the preformed heavy plastic insets that you just dig a hole and put in. Obviously, you need some sand for the base and you have to make it form fitted into the hole or at least close.

As far as liners, I am actually just using a double layer of 20mil black poly rather than the pond liner which is expensive. I've had it in use for almost 2 years without a leak. Once again, you need a good base of sand and some type layer to prevent the rocks from working through to poke holes in the poly.
Have a look for the prepacked Bermuda heavy duty PVC liners, they are much cheaper than your butyl or rubber liners and still come with a decent guarantee (i think around 10-15 years)
Thanks guys, ill give those a look.

Do you know of any links on how to set up a pond.

Im fairly ou fait with aquariums but need to do a bit more reading as far as a pond goes. Any ideas ?

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