My mother has a fish pond (12 ft long, 8 ft wide, 3 ft deep) with 7 medium sized goldfish and at least 4 or 5 good-sized Green Frogs. Unfortunately, the pond is next to a huge old spruce tree which appears to dying. It's seems to be shedding all of its needles--still green--directly into the pond. My mom is constantly fishing them out with a little skimmer net, but they just keep coming; she's becoming worried that the pine needles might wreak havoc on the pH, lowering it dramatically, and hurting her fish and frogs. Hopefully the pine will cut down soon, but until then, the pond continues to be covered with needles.
Is this a real threat, and if so, is there anything she can do?
Is this a real threat, and if so, is there anything she can do?