Pond Help ?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2009
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I recently got one koi and two goldfish for my pond..... And for couple days now they seem to just hide all time in between liner in pond and when anyone approaches they either dint move or dart around pond very fast????

Why is this?? And when will they settle?? Can anyone suggest anything has they don't seem to be settlin even after 3 days now???

Anyhelp please, thanks paul

More info

I have tropical tanks and fish tanks.

and yes the pond is fully cycled and tested with testing kit.

Everything is fine, theres a couple plants.

But the fish just seem to sit at the bottom ( hiding ), And when approach the pond they all dart around swimming very fast and bumping into sides cause they scared that much.

Iam not sure whats up, i may try alot of floating plants so they dont get scared once approaching pond?

what does everyone else think?

It is not uncommon for fish to dart around or hide if somebody approaches the pond. By observing my pond fish its clear that they become nervous even if a lorry goes by on the main road as they can ear the rumbling noise.

To help them become more tame I suggest you put a few floating pond plants (real or artificial) on the pond surface. Duck weed or water hyercinth are a good option as they grow rapidly and consume a lot of the water toxins. If you place an artificial floating plant in the water they will use it to hide under and therefore may feel more confident near the water surface. My fish go crazy trying to eat food that gets stuck near my floating lilies which is another reason why they will become used to swimming to the surface.

If you place a real floating plant in the water, the likelihood is they will see it as a source of food (which again will entice them to the surface).

Once they have come to the surface several times I'm sure they will associate it with feeding time and will therefore have reason to repeat that behaviour.

Other tips: Install a water feature if you don't already have one; this will desensitise the fish to noise and may be hard to differentitate from other louder sounds. Keep other noise levels to a minimum. Don't have your shadow or shadows of objects cast over the pond surface. When feeding the fish don't make sudden movements; when they notice you throw some food (they will hopefully then associate you with feeding time!)

Thanks very much, will keep that in mind and try it out , and also get some more plants cover ponds surface

The goldfish i added couple days ago is swimming around fine on its own, but the two small kois are just hiding in one corner ( right at bottom of pond )

And keep very still and dont move, and sometimes dart around the pond?

Is this normal for koi's? has the goldfish is fine?

Well Koi do have good eye sight so I suppose they will be well aware of what is surrounding them (whether moving or not moving). My golden rudd and shubunkin act as though they are almost blind in that they will swim right passed food i've thrown in front of them, whereas Koi will sense the impact of it and turn around. So It might be that Koi are much more sensitive to things in their environment.

If you were to place some plants in the pond, so that they have the opportunity to hide at the surface, and condition them to associate yourself with 'feeding time', I'm sure they will eventually become less shy.

Today tried to feed has you said away from pond still not moving at coming to surface the goldfishisnt now too??

I even left garden but leaving food there and watched from bathroom window but they not cuming up for the food on top???

Will it take time or should they have eaten it when I went inside????

I do have few plants and floating ones would you say I need more??? Cover more surface????

Or could it be something else??? I'm worried about them now someone please help :)


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