Pond Help - Covered In A Thick White Foam Of Bubbles


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2003
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Hi guys,

Been a while since I last post on here, hope your all in good health and all.

Anyway in the last couple of weeks I've come to notice my pond being covered in a thick white foam of airbubbles.
All fishes and stock are healthy, its just that near enough the whole top surface of the water is covered in bubbles, upstructing view of my fish.

Please see the image attached:

The pond itself is not new. Its about 4 years old now.
Waterfall has been there for over a year.

The bubbles seem to have started only when I introduced my new DIY filter system with a 2nd outlet connecting to the pond.
Prior to this, I didnt have any filter as such connected to my pond for about 2 years. No foam bubbles at all.

The filter is pretty basic:
Filter brushes, A few layers of japanese matting and K1 with a couple of airstones.

Even when I turn the filter box off or the waterfall (making sure to keep atleast one on) the splash from either of the 2 inlets to the pond cause the foam bubbles.

The only other new thing has been feeding my fish a more protein rich diet.

Any ideas on whats causing this? ANd what to do to eliminate these bubbles please?
it will be because of the new high protein food your using. im sure its called DOC.

a protein skimmer should help
or you could use izeki super c.

out of interest what food are you using?
looks like youve got one of two things spawning fish or as said docs.

my goldie pond looked like that last year when they spawned, when they spawn they release a lot of high protien matter into the water and there not alot you can do about it

for docs (dissolved organic componds) will also give a tinge to the water like weak tea, cut back on the high protien food and do 10% daily dechlorinated water changes this will dilute the docs and reduce the bubbles

also do not allow leaf matter to accumulate in your pond, as these will breakdown and load your system with DOC.

it is also common for water to foam as a result of excessive algae growth.
even if this is controlled by a UVc, the single celled algae can cause water to foam through the organic compounds that are abundantly released into the water.

skimmer or buy a defoamer for ponds (kusuri defoamer, ntlabs foamclear or something similar will help in all cases .

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