Pond full of fry

Waterloo Kid

Fish Addict
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK
Any idea how long it takes before goldfish fry show their adult colouration? I have spotted some 5mm fry in my pond and wonder if they are from the 4 goldfish or the 4 platinum kio.

Hi Waterloo Kid

It depends what they are. I can tank some time for goldfish to colour up. Six months is not unheard of.
If the parents are in the same pond and you want to keep the fry, I suggest that you seperate them. Koi carp take the same time as any carp species to show their colouration. 6 months or more.It depends what their growing conditions are. Obviously well fed and not being preyed upon all helps in their development.
I'm not planning on taking any action to ensure they survive. It'll be a case of survival of the fittest. There's a chance some may make it as there was a stickleback fry that grew up with the 8 adult fish without a problem. The big fish tend to stay at the deep end and the fry have plenty of cover in the plants. We'll see what happens!


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