Polypterus Endlicheri Endlicheri

are you buying all three Vinny? if not I;ll have one Jack? when my new bank card arrives which I understand is 4 days as I;ve lost my wallet :crazy:

what the heck am I on about , just realised I;m setting up for discus and having tetras!!! sorry Jack I forgot as I HAVEa big channa auratus in there for a few weeks!!
Friday is fine vinny, is the snakehead an auranti simon? i've been considering one for a while but was unsure how they'd do in tropical.
Friday is fine vinny, is the snakehead an auranti simon? i've been considering one for a while but was unsure how they'd do in tropical.

sorry yes its an auranti. There were a pair in there about 15 inches long each and very chunky. My mate put them in on wednesday last week as hes moving house and working away and they both jumped out!! found them in the morning about 15ft from the tank but together and the male died a couple of days later, the females a bit subdued but hopefully will recover

stunning fish
I do like auranti's, regret not buying them when pier had them for 30 a pair.

Bump, would also swap for tanks or heaters
sorry mate, not had a chance to get on. Can you inbox me your address for the sat nav and we should be there around 7 if thats ok?

By the way, Simon, can't see you lasting long with Discuss :) Take it you got rid of the RBP's? I imagine you will get just as bored with Discuss, :unsure: Just get yourself back to Oddballs. I have a decent little collection now, just not a big enough tank for them all together yet, can't wait to sort it though.
post code is ch60 3rn, is there any chance of making it a bit earlier say between 5-6.
Yeah thats fine mate. Should be there just after 5. Need a house number and address too though :good:
Cheers m8, just for the satnav. Leaving in a sec so should be there around 5

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