Polypterus Delhezi


Fish Fanatic
May 20, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
i hope this post doesn't make me look clueless :unsure:

we went to the fish shop for some rocks last night..... came home with one of these lovely fellas, not on a whim as such, we're still not sure what will be in our final stocking list of our tank, and we of course asked lots of various questions about him and we were assured that he'll do very little, will pretty much just sit and watch the world go by, we were told he's a lungfish and so will go up to the surface for air every now and then, and he was to be kept on a meaty diet, that this particular one was pretty shy and they'd not seen him eat, but he'd taken several fresh cockles (opened) at night and so was obviously feeding.

and so after a good 30 mins of discussion with the shop staff, we came home with the lovely little chap, dubbed him 'Patrick' and went about sterilizing and rinsing the rock that we bought (huge!) and placed it in the tank, then spent a while acclimatizing Patrick and he seemed fairly settled in the bag. let him loose after mixing tank water with his bag water and he glided gracefully to the bottom and as we were told he just seemed to be watching the world go by him. we were told to be worried if he started swimming about, that he was either hungry or unhappy about something.

2 hours of him settling in, he'd done several laps of the tank, found several places to his liking, then promptly ate one of my (small) mollies... ok... better research this dude sooner rather than later (something i undertake with all the fish i buy regardless of if it was a planned or 'whim' purchase - i say whim, we make sure all purchases are compatible, and have room for the adult fish etc) and so we still find that he's doing a fair bit of swimming about, wedging himself up by the heaters, lying on the floor in several places, just generally active, seeing as this is contrary to what we were told to expect, should i be worried? i've not managed to find much information on him at all, and quite a bit of that is contradicting, some say they're very shy and others say that it's possible to train them to hand feed as i am with my eels at the moment.

anyone have any more information or websites i can gather knowledge from? personal experiences are a bonus.

he's an awesome little chap, just want to do right by him, we spent hours watching the various occupants of the tank last night! Gary the snail's not so chuffed with his arrival though, he's not been out of his shell much since Patrick arrived...although Patrick is currently rolling him across the bottom of the tank...... :rolleyes:

piccies to follow ;)
Polypterus delhezi reach 10-14 inches in length and are generally non agressive predators they will eat anyfish that fits into their mouth
they are also fairly active swimming about a tank is fine
they posess both gills and lungs and need to be able to surface to get atmospheric O2.-Anne
Polypterus delhezi reach 10-14 inches in length and are generally non agressive predators they will eat anyfish that fits into their mouth
they are also fairly active swimming about a tank is fine
they posess both gills and lungs and need to be able to surface to get atmospheric O2.-Anne

Patrick is about 10" now, so we didn't buy him tiny and look surprised as he grew, my tank is quite large anyway, plenty to house him as an adult :) i'm expecting the odd fish to go here and there, i have a few odd small things left over from shoals of this that and the other, i also bought some gobies yesterday and i can expect them to eat anything that is small as well! just as well i didn't get my planned shoal of rasbora yet! as that's not going to be happening now!

we've made sure there is about 1/2" of air between the top of the water and the glass top, going to get some perspex today, make sure all the other holes are sealed up nice and tight, up until now plastic mesh has done but on hearing how strong these things are and how adept they are at escaping we'll make absolutely sure we don't lose him through our own fault!

ty for your reply :) nice to know he's supposed to swim about, i was worried that he wasn't happy!
Here's a link to a profile I wrote on Polypterus delhezi. Hopefully you'll find something in it that is useful to you.

Armored Bichir Profile


fab article Joe, detailed yet simple enough to read quickly and digest, the best information by far!

aren't they just gorgeous creatures? we think ours is evil looking yet so graceful! i wanted confirmation that i was feeding him the right foods, which i'm armed and ready for but i think he's still digesting the molly judging by the bulge in his belly, although that has gone down somewhat i note this morning! he wasn't interested in the cockles i dropped near him last night tho, there are a few small fish left in the tank atm, he happily swims among them atm but i'm sure there will be some 'clearing' up at some stage.. :rolleyes:

ours seems to be very active, but doesn't seem distressed in any way, he's got plenty of space to swim about in, and he's found several places he likes to just lie and watch the world go by him :) we're utterly fascinated by him!
Where abouts did you get it from? What LFS I mean?

Aquajardin, i bought a gorgeous pair of gouramis at the same time, and a couple of cute little (at the moment!) gobies, i know these little dudes will eat small shoaling fish as they get bigger as well, thought that seeing as Patrick (the birchir) is going to eat anything small then i might as well have others that do the same and just not keep small fish!

Patricks doing a very good job of clearing out my fish at the moment, we noticed last night that he was scavenging for the bloodworm that i'd put in for the rest and so put in a large amount of cockle for him, some of the cockle is still there this morning, loads of the fish are still picking at it, Patrick however looks very sorry for himself and his belly is massive! having done a head count, i'm a male swordtail, pregnant platty and a male molly missing this morning..... :blink:

not the best of pics, but here he is anyway!

Ah OK, thanks. Will you be removing the other small fish then? What sort of gobies did you get? I like how they labeled Pseudomystus siamensis - Asian Bumblebee Catfish as "bumble bee gobies".
Ah OK, thanks. Will you be removing the other small fish then? What sort of gobies did you get? I like how they labeled Pseudomystus siamensis - Asian Bumblebee Catfish as "bumble bee gobies".

nah, i didn't think he'd go for the platties or swordtails yet, only had a couple of each was just gonna not replace them when they went, had them for ages :/

i know you don't like that LFS, i happen to think that their fish are of excellent quality, the few staff that i've encountered (i generally ask for the same guy) are knowledgeable and helpful, of course nothing beats one doing one's own research on fish before one buys them anyway! i bought 5 mollies from a different place in gloucester last week and 4 out of 5 of them didn't look happy the minute they left the bag, one perked up a bit just before it died, they honoured their 48 hour replacement agreement after he tested my water and found that it was just fine, but i'd rather not have that hassle, hence i shop at aquajardin whenever possible.
I never said I didn't like it. I shop there myself; I just prefer some of the other stores. Yes, they do have some good quality fish there, I never denied that.

But yes, it's a nice bichir you have. What tank size do you have it in?
Missed that then.. sorry :) What else do you keep with it other than swordtails, platties etc.?
atm a couple of blue gouramis, 2 knight gobies, 6 various tiger barbs, 2 asian bumblebee catfish, 2 clown loache, 1 fire eel, 1 tyre track eel, 1 crayfish, 2 bn plecs, 1 female mollie, 1 rtbs, 1 mussel, 1 large snail (not sure what he is, whatever it is it's ugly!) not sure how long for, but we also have 2 male swordtails, 1 female plattie, 3 danios and a cherry barb!

getting stuck for ideas! i would have liked a shoal of fish, i'd finally chosen harlequin rasboras, but obviously there are far too many things in there that would eat them now!
silver dollars?

not keen on them :/ they were suggested to us at the LFS, i'm not a fan of angels so i guess that's why they never really did anything for me :/ they get a bit big for what i'm after too.

ty for your suggestion though :)

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