Polypterus Delhezi + Rope Fish =


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2009
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I would like to know if you can keep Polypterus Delhezi and rope fish together? Can you?
I kept a 13 inch Ornatapinnis with 4 reedfish for 2 years or so if that helps. never a sign of aggressin and they eat the same sinking pellets together

hope that helps
I kept a 13 inch Ornatapinnis with 4 reedfish for 2 years or so if that helps. never a sign of aggressin and they eat the same sinking pellets together

hope that helps

wow! thatdoes, thanks! But what about plecos?
I kept plecs as well, although I never saw it do it I suspected that it was the Bichir that ripped a couple of my plecs up which were L25 and L264
hmmmm... Thank you so much but... I still have more questions. Like what decor should I have, flat open spaces, rocky terrain, or a woody maze?
I did have and would recomend open spaces and woody maze

the reeds in mine were very active and although they often hid in wood they didn;t seem to need it like the poly which needed a long time to settle
I would doubt it
the only fish I;ve had problems with syndontis was a big royal plec that had territory issues in a big way over a big eupterus
THank you Flagtail and Simonas for all your help. But...What mid-level odball-ish fish are there that would tolerate the bichir.
with mine I kept a shoal of 9 if memory serves me right large silver dollars and I cannot recomend them enough. although quite plain looking in a shoal and when big they look fantastic. I much prefer the way they lookin a shoal than I do large tinfoils although they are impressive fish as well

Just a thought but could you keep large rainbos in there with that tank, they would add some colour. I;ve never really kept rainbows but always fancied it

and maybe a flagtail prochilodus? :good:
ive kept all sorts with my bichir,s

Things that didnt work
Black Ghost Knife fish didnt work depsite being similar sized got attacked and eaten.
I had a shoal of Bosemani rainbow fish , these overtime went missing.
Butterfly fish got eaten after a bit
small bichir's , normally fine but lost one so far.
smaller danieos have been eaten

Things that have worked
TinFoil barbs
other bichirs
plec's (plec is more than 1/2 size of bichirs)
Jack Dempsey
Rope fish (although i remove these when my larger bichir shot up in size to be on the safe side).
Larger Rays, my small motoro once got flipped by my lapredei
Sorubim Lima
wow, always4lora! That was very helpfull! Would Leapord Ctenapomas work? And what type of bichir ate the butterfly fish?
wow, always4lora! That was very helpfull! Would Leapord Ctenapomas work? And what type of bichir ate the butterfly fish?
I wouldn't bother with the Ctenopoma as you'd need a fullt grown one for it not to be at threat. As for what type ate my butterfly fish i'm not 100% but my Weeksii was looking abit chubby so probs that. Don't get put of keeping bichir's are they're great fish!

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