As some of u may know ive kept an ornate poltypterus for some time now, and yesterday i found her upside down on the surface of the water. The colour had drained from her body, but remained in her fins and snout. The muscles in her body seemed to have tensed up, and the polypterus could not seem to move at all, except for feebly flapping her fins.
Knowing that they require atmospheric oxygen (and not knowing how long overnight she had been like this {from 12:00am-8:00am}) i rolled her over and lifted her snout out of the water, she responded well by taking a gulp of oxygen, but she could not move any better. I immediately took a water test:
pH7.5, nitrite 0, nitrate less than 5ppm soft water.
i decided to let nature take its course, returning to it every ten minutes to allow her a breath of air. Now i could not seperate her as the there was no other tank in which to place some water of the same reading in, and i decided against medicating as i had no idea about what was wrong with it......
Eventually i decided that i should put her down, as the two african cichlids were beginning to get closer and she was getting harrassed by plecos, also she couldn't keep afloat anymore.
The reason i im posting is because i really do want to know what was wrong with it, and whether i did anything wrong as i would like to keep another birchir......
Y is that its always our fave fish that pops it
Knowing that they require atmospheric oxygen (and not knowing how long overnight she had been like this {from 12:00am-8:00am}) i rolled her over and lifted her snout out of the water, she responded well by taking a gulp of oxygen, but she could not move any better. I immediately took a water test:
pH7.5, nitrite 0, nitrate less than 5ppm soft water.
i decided to let nature take its course, returning to it every ten minutes to allow her a breath of air. Now i could not seperate her as the there was no other tank in which to place some water of the same reading in, and i decided against medicating as i had no idea about what was wrong with it......
Eventually i decided that i should put her down, as the two african cichlids were beginning to get closer and she was getting harrassed by plecos, also she couldn't keep afloat anymore.
The reason i im posting is because i really do want to know what was wrong with it, and whether i did anything wrong as i would like to keep another birchir......
Y is that its always our fave fish that pops it