Poll... Do You Think Facebook Is A Problem?


  • Are you a current member of Face Book

    Votes: 30 83.3%
  • Have you been a member for more than 6 months?

    Votes: 28 77.8%
  • You will not join FB because you've heard of bad things

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • You have personally experienced bad things on FB

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Would you recommend FB to your friends?

    Votes: 22 61.1%
  • Have you traced long lost friends on FB

    Votes: 24 66.7%
  • Have long lost friends traced you on FB

    Votes: 24 66.7%
  • Do you think FB is totally safe to use?

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • Do you think it's a good idea to have TFF on FB?

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • Are you a current member of TFF on FB?

    Votes: 9 25.0%

  • Total voters

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
but dont use Facebook, it is the scurge of our school, causing so many problems :crazy:

Seffie x

OK.... this is an interesting perspective.....I, Personally have been using Facebook for around 4 years now and have never had any "problems"...... It has put me in contact with friends and family spread across the world ..... some of whom I have not seen or heard from in 30 to 40 years........

I have some unapproved "friends requests" which I have not approved, (so they cannot see anything on my site), because I may know some of them and disapprove of them, and others that I do not know (or recall).... so I simply do not accept them as "Friends"..... So, How could FB a problem...... In fact, I will start a new topic (maybe with a poll).... Mainly, because I'm curious to see what problems the majority of people have with joining FB..... (and I'll open the new topic with this post).......

I'm setting the poll to 10 Questions (magic number)..... please vote and comment freely....ánd only tick the applicable boxes....and you may vote for multiple options....
I have had facebook for years, found friends and they found me, its a great way for us to keep in touch as a lot of them left for various uni's, i am a member of TFF on there.

my only problem is my facebook doesn't always like me and doesn't work :lol:
I've used FB for a few years too, without any problems! Tho I can see Seffies point, I have a teenage son, and I dont think FB/teenagers/school are a very good combination.. FB usually just turns into a tool for bullies! I make sure I keep a very close eye on who my son adds/accepts as friends on his account after one particular incident when he got himself a GF who a few of his FB friends didn't like.. and his 'wall' just got taken over by abusive posts from these so-called friends! Which leads me nicely onto safety.. FB CAN be as safe as you want it to be, as long as you know how to use the security settings!
Me and my girlfriend both use facebook, 3 of our kids do too. I have a facebook app on my blackberry so whilst my girlfriend is at work or any place where using a mobile phone is not possible she can send me a message through there and I'll get it. The kids also use it in the same way if they have no credit (refuse to get contacts for them)

I have found school friends that I lost contact with many years ago and find its good to keep in touch with friends and family all across the world.

I can even find out what the weathers like where my mother lives (useless info I know)

The kids don't really use it much and all of our profiles show no content to any non friends, the kids are closely watch so as they don't add anyone they don't know as we all get friend requests from countless people we don't even know.

None of us have had any problems with it but I know my nieces have, but then again, that has nothing to really do with facebook itself but the people who use it.
FB usually just turns into a tool for bullies! I make sure I keep a very close eye on who my son adds/accepts as friends on his account after one particular incident when he got himself a GF who a few of his FB friends didn't like.. and his 'wall' just got taken over by abusive posts from these so-called friends! Which leads me nicely onto safety.. FB CAN be as safe as you want it to be, as long as you know how to use the security settings!

Not one single day goes by in school without us having a problem with facebook and now the new scurge, blackberry broadcasts!

In the last year I have had to contact http://www.ceop.police.uk/ twice re: stalking of several of our year 9 girls and they are just the ones we know about, bickering between friends becomes awful and out of hand and the 'the wall' well, dont get me started! We have also had parents becoming involved in what can only be described as battles via FB.

Also, have you seen some of the images that both girls and boys as young as 11 yrs old post, shocking, truly shocking!

Do you also realise just how easy it is to find someone from on-line, offline, kids give away so much info, its scary, they are told not to give out their address and phone number, but then give other clues, like saying on their wall etc, 'going down the kursal tonight?' Or photos of them in their school uniform :crazy:

So, no, I will not be using FB anytime soon and for those of you who allow your children to use it, please be vigilant in monitoring their activity.

Goodness me, I will get off my soap box now, sorry :look:
Are you a current member of Face Book? NO
Have you been a member for more than 6 months? NO
You will not join FB because you've heard of bad things? NO BECAUSE THERE IS NO REASON FOR ME TO DO SO.
You have personally experienced bad things on FB? NO
Would you recommend FB to your friends? NO
Have you traced long lost friends on FB. NO- IF THEY WERE TRUE FRIENDS THEY WOULD NOT BE LOST.
Have long lost friends traced you on FB? NO- I DO NOT LOSE TRACK OF FRIENDS.
Do you think FB is totally safe to use? IS THIS A SERIOUS QUESTION?
Do you think it's a good idea to have TFF on FB? IT IS NOT MY CALL TO MAKE, BUT I WONT GO THERE.
Are you a current member of TFF on FB? NO

If they ever invent AssBook, I might join that.
I used to use it a lot but cos of my own stupidity caused problems in my marriage as there were lots of ladies on there that led me astray!! I;ve not used it since August and I don;t miss it in the slightest

Also the majority of the domestic violence and school violence we deal with starts from facebook!!
my own stupidity caused problems

Also the majority of the domestic violence and school violence we deal with starts from facebook!!

At the end of the day, it boils down to what you allow to happen on your very own site..... things that can be avoided if you remain in control of who you accept as friends..... and they may even be blocked if you're not happy with posts being made on your wall.....All under your very own control
Where can I find "Assbook"! Sounds like my kind of site! Over 18's I presume! Lol

I joined fb a few months back! After about a week I was inundated with friend requests from people I apparently knew when I was at school! People I didn't like or know! Take a hint people, if I DID like ya, I would've kept in touch when I left!

Felt good declining them tho! Lol!
my own stupidity caused problems

Also the majority of the domestic violence and school violence we deal with starts from facebook!!

At the end of the day, it boils down to what you allow to happen on your very own site..... things that can be avoided if you remain in control of who you accept as friends..... and they may even be blocked if you're not happy with posts being made on your wall.....All under your very own control

as I said my problems were down to my own stupidity. However facebook I see causes huge jealousy in the trade I work in . Terrible domestic violence always seems to occur according to the victims over issues with facebook, ie jealous husband losing his temper when drunk over a facebook situation. Its amazing how common this is
*I only know this coz I caught an ex of mine using it.. honestly! lol

I rest my case..... I have heard no negative comment about Face book perse..... it is all about the users allowing abuse and abusing the system..... If you use Face Book responsibly..... Is Face Book bad???...... (back to the original question)......
Again, this is not a problem with facebook, its a problem with the people using facebook in a negative way.

If someone was to cheat with a partner by arranging a meeting through facebook then the partner that was cheated on would blame facebook as much as the individual cheating. If a person was to cheat whilst out in a pub/nightclub then the person who cheated would be to blame.

I really cannot see how anyone could actually say its "problems with facebook" as nothing apart from their own actions caused that "problem"

Yes facebook has loads of sick twisted people that prey on underage/vunerable people but how can an internet site be blamed for this? Any site which attracted masses of people all over the world would be used in such a way by said persons. Parents should address these issues with their children before ever allowing their child to use the internet and also watch what they're doing. 3 of our children use it, the oldest being 15 and the youngest being 10, we have passwords for all of them and we also watch what happens on their page.

Ultimately this is the parents responsibilities, not schools or anything else, if you cannot watch your child on that then just don't allow them to be on it.

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