Dear all (please excuse the typo in the title - new, as I am, to this forum, I can't find where to edit the title!),
I am new to this forum and came across it while looking for more details on how to deal with elephantnose fish issues (I read a couple of Neale Monks' comments; I dearly hope he is reading now...). So the situation is the following. I have 2 lovely elephantnose fish in my 60 gallon tank. They have some (small) discus tankmates and a couple Acarichthys heckelii (aka, geophagus); also a couple congo tetras and 1 itty bitty clown loach.
About 10 days ago, the itty bitty clown loach ever-so-predictably came down with Ich. No one else had visible signs, but I did a little research and it seemed necessary to treat the whole tank. So, seeing as I had 2 elephantnose and a loach (both of which I understand are scaleless), I began treating for Ich with "Rid Ich Plus" at a half dose. I carefully changed out 25-30% of the water before re-dosing (every 24 hours). The elephantnose seemed fine and were happily eating blood worms and playing about.
Fast forward 10 days to today. I called the fish store because I had seen no signs of improvement in the loach's ich. "Was I supposed to be re-dosing for the whole tank OR just for the new volume of water", I asked them. The man replied I should re-dose for the whole tank. So I feared, naturally, that the reason the Ich had not been killed was simply that I had not been dosing enough. So I added a Rid Ich dose for the whole tank volume.
Four hours later, I came home to some very unhappy elephantnose. Never had I seen them scurry about like this; jumping towards the tank "ceiling" and hanging out at the very tippy-top of the tank. I got really worried and did a 50% water change, also replacing the carbon filter (that I had taken out for the treatment duration). The elephant-nose hid, only to come out quite a while later looking downright... lacerated. One of them has actual welt-like marks on each of his sides (did the Malachite Green/Formalin mix burn him?) and the other has an oddly lighter colored tail and frayed fins... I feel awful.
Please help my elephantnose!! Any advice, quick?
Thanks a million!
I am new to this forum and came across it while looking for more details on how to deal with elephantnose fish issues (I read a couple of Neale Monks' comments; I dearly hope he is reading now...). So the situation is the following. I have 2 lovely elephantnose fish in my 60 gallon tank. They have some (small) discus tankmates and a couple Acarichthys heckelii (aka, geophagus); also a couple congo tetras and 1 itty bitty clown loach.
About 10 days ago, the itty bitty clown loach ever-so-predictably came down with Ich. No one else had visible signs, but I did a little research and it seemed necessary to treat the whole tank. So, seeing as I had 2 elephantnose and a loach (both of which I understand are scaleless), I began treating for Ich with "Rid Ich Plus" at a half dose. I carefully changed out 25-30% of the water before re-dosing (every 24 hours). The elephantnose seemed fine and were happily eating blood worms and playing about.
Fast forward 10 days to today. I called the fish store because I had seen no signs of improvement in the loach's ich. "Was I supposed to be re-dosing for the whole tank OR just for the new volume of water", I asked them. The man replied I should re-dose for the whole tank. So I feared, naturally, that the reason the Ich had not been killed was simply that I had not been dosing enough. So I added a Rid Ich dose for the whole tank volume.
Four hours later, I came home to some very unhappy elephantnose. Never had I seen them scurry about like this; jumping towards the tank "ceiling" and hanging out at the very tippy-top of the tank. I got really worried and did a 50% water change, also replacing the carbon filter (that I had taken out for the treatment duration). The elephant-nose hid, only to come out quite a while later looking downright... lacerated. One of them has actual welt-like marks on each of his sides (did the Malachite Green/Formalin mix burn him?) and the other has an oddly lighter colored tail and frayed fins... I feel awful.
Please help my elephantnose!! Any advice, quick?
Thanks a million!