Pm Imbox Is Wierd, Help Please

Ok, it's a bug in the forum software. I've applied a fix for it, but I'm not sure if it resets the existing message count. If not then please request the number of PMs to be sent and hopefully someone will oblige. Once done this problem should not crop again. (fingers crossed).
I've got -6. :(

Edit: You can send messages to yourself to sort it.
Thanks lynz just done that, glad I only had ten or I would taken all night. :lol:
Ok folks, edit your post when youve got your desired amount of PMs so we dont double up. ;) Thanks Wolf and Stang! :D
I don't have any messages.... nobody loves me.

Those of you with negative amounts must be more unloved than me... :p

send yourself a message, then when it says the message has been sent - press your browsers back button and send it again... nice and quick way to solve it.

HOWEVER... now the smilies on the left of new posts are all squashed up...
I don't like change :D :D
I`m having problems with mine too (I Think).
Mine are always stuck on Zero. Maybe no-one likes me. :( :( :(

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