plz help me with my tiger barbs

fish_keeper2 said:
o i soon could that be before they start to get real aggressive

who knows..could be right away, could be a month or could be a year when they're full grown...or it could never happen at i said, it's not that it's guaranteed to fail...just that it is not ideal
i have 5(but like i said before oneof them doesnt seem to be doing well)...ok....i guess ill leave them as is and see how it goes then

I recently purchased a larger red-finned shark for my "barb barrio". I created a "cave" at one end and there are already plenty of places behind the plants. This shark was large enough to defend itself against the gang of tiger barbs that wanted to play "nip the fin".

The good news; the shark has it's territory staked out.

The bad news; I'm fairly certain the shark killed the plecothomus in the tank and I can't get any food to the shark.

The tiger barbs and danios are too fast and agile for the shark to begin with. Any flake or frozen food gets gobbled instantly. Sinking pellets and algae wafers make it to the bottom of the tank but eventually get found by the tiger barbs and chowed down upon. About an hour ago I tried squirting some beefheart mix into the shark "cave" but the tiger barbs fearlessly go into the cave and eat it; there are too many of them for the shark to chase off and as soon as that happens there are tiger barbs sneaking up from behind to grab and eat the food. The barbs eat and eat and eat and eat and never seem to get full.

I've thought about putting a zucchini wedge in there, the barbs will pick at it but won't eat it all.

Anybody have any ideas?
1)The tiger barbs and danios are too fast and agile for the shark to begin with. seem to get full.

2)I've thought about putting a zucchini wedge in there, the barbs will pick at it but won't eat it all.

1)I wouldn't doubt an RTB/Rainbow shark from producing havoc among a group of Tigers....I watched my RTB chase around a group of 8 at one point around a 75gal and wouldn't stop until they were all hanging face down in the corners....They may not cause any physical damage (although they can) but will stress them out...and stressed Tigers are highly susceptable to disease. all comes down to personality and i hope you don't luck out like i did.

2)As for your RTB and feeding...they are constant scavengers and will pick up any food left over. Throw some zucchini and/or cucumber in the tank over night and they will eat it......Try feeding after lights out if your feeding with Tigers and worried about them being to gluttonous.

Right now there is just the one RF shark in with twenty mature tiger barbs and seven danios. The 40 gallon tank is long; plenty of space to swim with plenty of cover in the back via about eight water wisteria plants.

I've tried feeding at night before, but realized the tiger barbs mooched after dark as well; both algae wafters and shrimp pellets. They sometimes give up on the wafers but the pelllets eventually get carried off and devoured. They also pick the sandy floor clean of anything that might be considered food.

Yesterday I tried feeding large amounts of brine shrimp at one end while sneaking some beefheart to the shark at the opposite end. About three minutes after I stopped feeding one of the tiger barbs smelled the food; that's usually all it takes to get the rest of them going. It didn't take them long before they were picking around and going right into the shark cave.

If one thing, the tiger barbs are not stressed out from the shark yet. They swim wherever they want to, chase each other around, and follow each other in groups everywhere in the tank, including inches above the shark.

Tonight I'm trying the zucchini. The barbs are pigs but I've never seen them eat a whole zucchini wedge.

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