plz help me in breeding bettas

hi all ,yes betta_lova i will try to heal him but iam afraid that he will not make it , h was very active before now he just stay calm in the jar with his head touching the water surface, any why thank u for ur reply.and yes JoKeR and cutecotton
iam not sure she is a female she is dark blue and have a red colour in the end of her fins i will try to attach a a pic like her . now guess what happend i mentioned that i put the male close to another female starting to conditionning her , then i surbrised that she very attracting to him and she have a virtecal stiripes very clear , did i wait untill the male heal from his unjured or i get another male for her.

this pic not for her but i found it like her but the colour of mine is darker and her fins are short


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for hte injured male, i woudl suiggest you remove him from the other bettas and siolate him. Put some salt + melafix or bettaMAX into his water and don't breed him until he is healed. Breeding is very hard on the mlae as he has to tend to the nest as well so if he' snot in good conidtion to do this, it won't turn out good.

If you want to breed the other female i woudl suggest you get another male for her. But remember htat BOTH males nad females must be conditioned for 2 weeks. so if you buy another male you'll have to wait at least 2 weeks before trying to breed him.
The Bottom pic looks like a male....

Tell me does the female have an Ovipositor?

Its like a little white dot uncder her fins were the belly is....
thanks cutecotton for ur informations it isvery usefull for me , i put the male in a jar wihout any other bettas but he look very weak and i didn't find melafix in the petshops but there are another thing like a general medician for fishes i put from it to the male, i think i will buy another male for the other female to be conditioned in the same period . joker the pic is for a male i just find it like my female in the colour and yes i think she have a white dot under her fins where the belly is.
i will try to take a pic for her but i don'thave the camera this days my be after two or three days . thanks u all for ur care i hope to keep in touch, oh bye the way my name is mohammed iam 22 years old from egypt , bye

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