Plz Help 2 Dead Shrimps


Fish Crazy
Jan 4, 2009
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plz help ive had a amano shrimp and a small bumblee bee shrimp die in the last 2 days. and my cherry shrimp isnt looking too great.

checked water stats with aps master kit alls fine

64 litre tank

no amonia no nitrite ,ph and nitrates fine

tank been running nearly 4 months

6 male guppies

2 corydora catfish

5 glowlight tetras

5 neon tetras

3 otos - algae eaters

2 golden barbs

1 cherry shrimp had it 2 weeks

1 armano shrimp had him 2 months now dead

1 bumble bee shrimp had him 3 weeks now dead.

the tanks very peacefull at least it looks it ,so im unsure whats happening ,

the last fish purchased was a golden barb 1 week ago as i had 1 previously ,the new one has taken up with the other barb and is very friendly infact lots of eggs are now being

scattered . but not attacking anything ,if they are ive not noticed anything so unsure if its them thats done anything.

well my bumble bee was found dead yesterday but he was swimming around the night before fine .

and the amano seemed to be having probs shedding his skin which previously hes had no probs doing ,but he spent all of yesterday just moving his legs ,wriggling on his side

scraping along things , today his shell was next to him but he was dead along side it minus his legs.

and the cherry shrimp keeps trying to swim up higher but doesnt seem to have the umph .

could the barbs be attacking them or is there a problem with something else ?

soz so long but concerned for remaining shrimp

thanks kaz x
well barbs can be quite nippy, and from what ive heard may be capable of killing a shrimp, but havnt had any previous experience with them.
But you did state that one had lost his legs?
Have you medicated recently with anything of any sort?
You said your ph is fine, but of what value?
Do you use fertilizers?
All barbs will kill and eat shrimp. Meds will also kill shrimp as will any new plants that might have been treated with copper to kill snails (very common in the lfs).
the bumblebee goby pry wasnt the best choice for that tank said above pry shouldnt mix shrimp and barbs
thanks for help,hope this answers your questions so you can see where im going wrong.

havent medicated tank,

i dont use fertilisers

my ph is 7.8 as always

i did add a new plant although i washed it as i always do before adding it to tank.

the shrimp did look like his legs was missing however the shell/skin had legs in it.

also bumble bee was a shrimp not a goby or is that the same ?

also again i think ive been told wrong info from lfs, as all shrimps were purchased there and they always ask what i have before they advise on what i can add.

shrimp was in tank in lfs with a barb hence why i got the 1st barb as i thought theyd be ideal buddies.they seemed ok till got 2nd barb.

ive not noticed anything attacking so i guess i should be extra cautious now as told golden barb was peaceful community fish ,which mine do seem to be or so i thought.

what should i do about remaining shrimp who ive kept an eye on all day and seems fine now ?

thanks x
The shrimp may have lost its legs while moulting from its skin. OR the barb may have found a nice soft shelled (just finished moulting) shrimp and decided it was fun to pick at.

Do you live in a soft water area? And what do you feed your shrimp? Sometimes they can have not enough vitamins and minerals around them, and have problems shedding their shells.

You say you have not seen any agression between the barbs and the shrimp, but remember you only had the shrimp for 2 weeks. It takes a while for the shrimp to get brave and venture around the tank, and for the fish to realise the shrimp could be a nice dinner. It may be worth choosing either the shrimp or the barbs to keep next time.
shrimp should molt in caves/ shelters where they won't be disturbed mine (amano's) always molt in the upside down plant pots which make up their homes. I noticed my guppies would try and nibble at there legs when freshly molted and the shrimp was unabble to support itself for long periods on its soft shell to run away. Ever since the shrimp seem a lot happier and although the endler males can fit into the plant pots, they don't normally try as there are normally a couple of shrimp blocking the entrance.
re -Do you live in a soft water area? i only no ph level i dont no how to find out ? is there a test ?

And what do you feed your shrimp? i feed flake foods, catfish pellets , algae tablets , and fresh veg i was told these were what to feed all the different


1st shrimp to die was in tank for 2 months ,although barbs are newish , but all of the shrimps have been out and about they used to sit on a big donught shaped rock for ages

i always saw them everyday and night they even used to sit on the gravel for ages i didnt even no they hid as mine were always moochin .

guess i will have to either keep the barbs without shrimps now or rehome them i guess.

i took my water for tests to lfs as although i have aps master test kit and my readings are ok i thought theyd be able to detect anything else .

lfs did tons of tests said they cannot find anything .incl looking at the other 2 dead shrimps whos bodies are intact, however they say it seems strange after new plant was

added the plant has a smell bit perfumey and they dont no if shrimps have probs with that plant.unsure plants name though

they are asking their supplier how plants have been treated . they are also running a test with the plants and shrimps, however they said they didnt think the barbs were to blame ?

they had barbs in tanks today with frogs ,im told to wait till sat not to add any other shrimp but if its a case of theyre eaten by barbs then i wont get any more shrimps ,unless i can

rehome two barbs ,as i must be honest and say i am quite more fond of the little shrimps theyre so comical .

thanks for any advice guys xx
update my 2 golden barbs have now been rehomed witha friend and are in their quarentine tank which is lucky they have one as now i think i may have some big problems with my tank.

noticed a guppy flick on his side , 3 days ago , then 2 days ago a different guppy looked to be going brown like algae colour that comes on rock in tank. thought nothing as he always nips at algae then yesterday he kept sinking to floor upright though, after a while he'd get back up did it all day ,late last night he died.

now really worried all water tests still read fine, i did 50 % water change late last night after he died and added blue treatment i have meflix i think (excuse spelling)

any ideas whats happening ,no spots ,no swelling , poos look a little white with some fish ,only 1 fish flicked and he hasnt done that now for 2 days,im very worried and dont no what to treat or do ...

please advise..

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