Plese Help!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
Wrexham, Wales
Over the last two weeks my goldfish has gotten huge and when i awoke this morning it luks lyk it is going to burst


WOW thats a fat fish. Has it been excreting normally? If so what colour have the excretions been? What are the water stats? Do the scales look like they are pineconing as in sticking outwards?
WOW thats a fat fish. Has it been excreting normally? If so what colour have the excretions been? What are the water stats? Do the scales look like they are pineconing as in sticking outwards?

When I bought her a month ago she was larger than the rest but grew at a steady pace and suddenly has balloned :S
It has also stopped eating today
There are 2 other fish in the tank who are fine
Yes has been excreting normally and is off a browny/black colour
I don't know the water stats my aunty does them with a testing kit
The scales around the head look fine around the anus some scales are red
anus is really red havent seen it like this before

any info would be great thanks
Wow, that's quite an impressive swelling. How big is the tank and how long has it been set up for? What kind of filtration does it have? Just trying to rule out water quality problems first as they will exacerbate other conditions.

Can you gently handle the fish at all? It'd be useful to know if the swelling is hard or soft and fluidy.
Wow, that's quite an impressive swelling. How big is the tank and how long has it been set up for? What kind of filtration does it have? Just trying to rule out water quality problems first as they will exacerbate other conditions.

Can you gently handle the fish at all? It'd be useful to know if the swelling is hard or soft and fluidy.

The tank is 70L and hs been set up for 4 months. The filtration is the elite stingray. The fish won't let me gently hold it so i can't tell you about the swelling.

She is swmming fine and isnt un-balenced she has just started to rub up against the castle once or twice and is also trying to hide behind a plant. When behind the plant she just stays still and she is still not eating.

Sounds like dropsy with the inflamed anus.
Epson salt baths and a bacterial med.
The epson salts will help draw the fluids out.
Once scales stick out organ failure.

What does your gran feed the fish and how often.
The tanks overstocked.
For 3 fancy goldfish you need 35 gallon tank and a 70 gallon filter.



This disease is very common among African Cichlids, and is commonly called "Malawi Bloat," even though it affects fish from Lakes Tanganyika and Victoria. Dropsy is also very common within the Carp family and among Anabantids. It is characterized by swelling of the body and especially abdomen, which causes the scales to stand out with a pine cone appearance. Eyes may protrude or cave in. Reddening at the vent and/or base of fins may be observable as well as body ulcers and long pale feces. In advanced cases, skin discoloration and scale loss may also occur. Sick fish will not show any desire for food. They will often hang near the bottom, resting on the gravel, or at the top, gasping for air. In the latter stages of this disease, the fish may lose its equilibrium and hence ability to swim properly.


Three main causes for Dropsy have been identified. The over use of salt (NaCl), prolonged exposure to poor water conditions, and improper diet, which lead to a parasitic infection. Other causes include poisoning, internal injuries and cancerous tumors. The swelling is not the disease itself, but rather a symptom, which is caused by a build-up of fluids in the body cavity due to internal organ failure.


Treatment of this disease is difficult, as by the time it is recognized, permanent damage to the internal organs of the fish will have occurred. Immediate treatment must be performed if there is to be any chance for survival. Metronidazole (Flagyl) and or Clout are the best medications for treatment of Dropsy. Notwithstanding, not much is known for certain about the etiology of this disease and some experienced aquarists use antibiotics to fight Dropsy. For oxytetracycline, baths of 20-100 mg/litre for five days is suggested. For tetracycline hydrochloride, treat with baths of 40-100 mg/litre for five days. And for minocycline hydrochloride a dilution of 250mg/10 gallons of water is recommended. On day 2 change all the water and add the medicine again at the same dose for another 2 days. Increase aeration during treatment. Do not use minocycline a third time in a row. Caution: tetracyclines are photo sensitive so turn the tank lights off during treatment and cover the whole tank with a blanket. If the fish is still eating, you can soak the food in a concentrated solution of the antibiotic before feeding.

For more information:

You can read more about this disease, treatment, and how
Thanks for all the info guys

she feds it aquarian goldfish flake food

I have a feeling the fish wont last much longer. It looks worse than in the picture to be honest.
I would improve there diet as to many dried foods can lead to constipation and swim bladder problems.
Frozen foods and veg.

Need to know what stats aswell.

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