
blue acara

Fish Herder
Jul 2, 2006
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hi ive got a 55galon tank almost finished cycling. im going to get a pair of tbar cichlids and possibly a pair of firemouth.

Its hard(18 gh) alkaline(7.8 ish) water. I want a pleco or another type of algae eater, nothing to big as its a 55 galon.

A nice colourful and hardy fish would be great
I recently bought a pair of bristlies and they have become everybody's favourite fish. Really cute and very visible around the tank.
yup i think im going to get a pair of bristles-i read somewhere they breed quite well, and male and female are easy to tell apart. someone put a pic of there golden one in the pics section and he was luvly-so il get me a pair of them :D
yup i think im going to get a pair of bristles-i read somewhere they breed quite well, and male and female are easy to tell apart. someone put a pic of there golden one in the pics section and he was luvly-so il get me a pair of them :D

If your interested - I have a few adult male browns and 2 female albinos (the orange ones)
I agree, get a bristlenose or two - makesure they're not so tiny that the cichlids have them as a snack ;)

I've just recently got three babies (although we've lost one), 2 commons and an L144 black eyed gold. I cant wait for them to grow up and get their bristles. I also have a rusty plec (L077), and they're also great for keeping the tank clean - always busy, but they do reach 10" roughly, so might be too big?

Here's pics:

My rusty (called Rusty too lol) and my baby black eyed gold BN

My remaining baby common bristlenose


I'm a bit plec-mad though, they're getting their own tank as soon as I find one :)
and an L144 black eyed gold.

If you can still get hold of them - go back and buy them - the true golds are quite rare...
get them breeding and you'll be laughing - there are always people after them (including myself)
and an L144 black eyed gold.

If you can still get hold of them - go back and buy them - the true golds are quite rare...
get them breeding and you'll be laughing - there are always people after them (including myself)

He/she was the last one - he came from Trimar, and I think, but dont quote me on this, that Monty there breeds them. Might be worth dropping him an email and asking if he has any planned? I cant get any more additions until I have my plec only tank - which may be a while as I have to save up for it. They're (both BNs and 3-4" rusty) currently in my hubby's 6ft community tank along with his whiptails.

I'm far too amateur to breed anything aquatic TBH, I've only just got my land snails breeding :lol:

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