

Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
I used to have a common plec housed with my goldie, but for reasons to boring to get into I dont anymore.
What I want to know is, are there any other kinds of plecs that can be housed with goldies.
Obviously a plec that isnt going to harm the goldies and that can take cooler temps in the winter.
I keep my goldie tank at 68-70 in the winter time.

Are there any other algae eaters that can safely go with goldies?
Thanks for the reply.....snailguy.
I'm a poet....and didnt know it!!
Thats so 6 year old'ish.

I had a CAE with my goldies for quite awhile, after I got rid of my common plecs.
It got to be about 5 inches, then, one day, it was gone.
I found it dead that same day under an ornament.

I tested the water params, checked the goldies for signs of illness, didnt see anything but I treated the tank with mela and pimafix just in case.
Dunno, it just died of natrual causes I guess. :D

So, any kind of plec would be ok with my goldies?
And otto's?
Not almost "any" plec can go in with Goldfish. There are Sailfins which are similar to commons but are a different species and get slightly bigger. I think Brisltenoses can as well but I'd have to check their temperature limits.
i don't think a bristlenose that comes from the nice warm amazon river would like to be in a cold water tank :no:

There are a limited amount of plec's you can keep in a CW enviroment, since most of them come from hot climates in the wild :nod:

Commons come from the same place but can survive the cooler temperature. So can a few others but I haven't kept goldfish in a few years and I never kept plecs with them.
Size, is why I got rid of the commons.
I'll have to check planetcatfish for temp specs on other plecs I 'spose.
Maybe a lil research on otto's as well.
Thanks guys.
Hill stream loaches can cope with the cooler temps but they like really clean well oxygenated fast flowing water so unless you have loads of spare room in the tank and a powerful filter i wouldn't get them. They will eat some algae but mainly feed on diatoms they only get 2.5 inches.

Hope this helps.


you will see them advertised as all sort of things

borneo sucker
cold water plec
butterfly plec
sting ray plec
butterfly loach etc
Well, I do have 3 filters in the tank and a bubble wall, theres a lot of current.
Not sure if its the kind of current they like.
I'll look into that emma, thanks a bunch!
Generally Plecos tend to enjoy warmer temperatures, but commons can usually go cooler.
I used to have a hong kong pleco (Spotted Hillstream Loach) with my goldies, these are generally coldwater (65 - 75 F) and do not grow very big (approx 3"). My LFS sells them in the cold water tanks.


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