Plecs For Baby Tanks?

C.panda as in corydoras? I've got two peppered in on their own currently (had an ammonia blip that killed two albinos).
So there is already fish in this tank?

What exactly?

What caused the ammonia blip?
Just the two peppered now. So far I'm not sure if the ammonia killed them or was a product of them dying. No signs of disease prior to death.
Been to p@h where I got the corydoras from and they've tested the water twice and now were all back to normal :) they also gave me two £5 off vouchers :)
Been to p@h where I got the corydoras from and they've tested the water twice and now were all back to normal :) they also gave me two £5 off vouchers :)

Use them on an API Freshwater Master test kit...

Most reactions
