Plecs For Baby Tanks?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2012
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Hi all
Seen a friends tanks with plecs in and I have a small tank just wondering.if there's any that would be happy in it as they're nice fish like to get some but don't want to cock it up.

The tank is currently at 80 ish degrees and about 64 litres I think (at work but will check when I'm home)

I thought a bristlenose was a plec? I've had a brief look on planet catfish particularly at the L numbers (there's so many) and I'm after something that won't cause problems or grow to be huge
clown plecs are a good small plec, they only grow 3 - 4 inches and are really peaceful and mine is very active all day!
bristlenose only grow to about 6" i think so should be fine in your tank as long as there is enough hiding places.

Here's a couple of pics of my clown plec who is nearly fully grown:



Hope this helps :)

I've just been looking at L015 and L306 which look vaguely like yours (which is nice btw) id love to get L024 but I think it'd be too big fully grown. I have been looking at the super red ancistrus as well and there's some in my area at £6 only little ones mind but that's the best way I think
Pleae note that the fish pictured above is L15, not L104 which is usually known as a 'Clown Pleco'

Yes, L024 is nowhere near suitable for a small tank.

'Super red' ancistrus are just a colour morph of a common ancistrus.

L306 are junior Panaque, require wood in the tank to eat.
Thanks for that, I thought they looked similar :)
I'm.guessing that bog wood is fine for them? Do I need to do anything special with it?
Softer the better, yes bog wood is fine, Mopani whilst nice for decorative purposes is too hard for a food source.

Mine also seems to like Redmoor
Ah really? I got it sold to me as a clown plec. Is an L015 rarer or anything to the L104?
Thanks for pointing that out xingumike :)
Ok found the tanks box, 64 litre (14 UK gallons according to a converter). Measurements are 60x32x37cm.
If I wanted a couple of plecs in there which would be best?
Small group of P. Jumbo (Pitbull)

Along with size you have to consider the bioload, Plecos are generally messy creatures.
I don't know what the filter is but its too powerful for the tank so hopefully bioload wouldn't be a huge problem.
Have to admit that I'm a little disappointed but you can only do what's right for the fish and I will do my best :)
The tank and what I can put in it.
I wasn't expecting miracles but I've seen it hold a common plec that must have been at least a foot and a flowerhorn that was pushing eight inches at the same time, probably wasn't good for the fish mind
I won't even go into what I think of the previous stocking.

A group of C. panda might be a better idea, I have 6 in 45l in my bedroom

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